She sits on the floor and leans back. “Moving is hard. I could use some inspiration.” Then, she looks at my cock.
“Don’t go there, princess,” I whisper. “Because I can’t say no to you.”
“I know.” She laughs.
I glance around, seeing all that’s left are her clothes. “You pack all that, and we’ll create a little reward system.”
She tugs on her bottom lip, holding out her hands. I pull her onto her feet.
“Yeah?” she asks with her hands against my chest.
I lower my voice. “Fuck yeah. When you get home, we’ll celebrate with you sitting on my face.”
“I’m gonna pack so quick.” She laughs, and when she pulls away, I smack her ass and grab a handful.
“Now, who’s the one starting?” she says over her shoulder.
“You’re right. I love you. See you soon?”
“I love you too. I need about an hour.”
I slide a kiss across her mouth. “Make it thirty minutes.”
I drive back to our place with all of Grace’s stuff packed in my truck. She’s going to meet me at the house after she finishes putting clothes in her car. Plus, I want to give her and Remi some time to hang out without me cramping their style. Over the last few months, they really did become great friends, which I love to see.
On the way back to my parents’ ranch, I see Beckett and Cash outside, chatting at the vet clinic, so I pull in, knowing I’ve got at least an hour before Grace leaves.
I step out of the truck, and Beckett smiles when he sees me. They both have a beer popped open, and Cash gives me one.
“Is this legal?” I ask. “Aren’t you on the clock?”
“Fuck no,” Cash says. “It’s a Saturday. I don’t work weekends unless it’s an emergency. Perks of owning the place. We’re just hangin’ out.”
Beckett laughs. “So, Cash and I were just talkin’ about Grace moving out.”
I smile wide. “Yeah, just finished boxing up her condo. Will be nice to unpack and get settled. I’m pretty damn excited.”
“That’s good news,” Beckett says. “Cash here is searchin’ for a place.”
I meet my brother’s eyes, hoping he’s not insinuating Cash move in with Remi. “Okay, and?”
Cash shrugs. “I don’t think I can handle staying at my parents’ house any longer.”
“Have you chatted with Colt?” I ask, knowing my room is now empty.
“Just found out today that Emmett’s moving in with him.” Beckett take a drink of his beer. “I was thinking maybe he could move in with Remi, temporarily, until he found a place. Keep an eye on our little sis. Maybe he’ll scare away whoever she’s been seeing,” Beckett suggests.
I narrow my eyes at my brother.
“Yeah.” I take a sip, not believing any of this. “Maybe he will.”
Cash chuckles. “You act like I’m tryin’ to date your little sister or something.”
He has no idea that I saw them the night of my wedding. “No, you’re not that stupid. You know we’dfuck you upif youevercrossed the line,” I warn.
The seriousness in my tone has Beckett’s jaw clenching. He stares Cash down for a few seconds too long, then glances over at me. The moment turns tense.
“Harrison, he wouldn’t.” Beckett stands firm.