“I don’t want to talk about it,” she snips.

I can’t help the scoff that punches out of me. “Of course you don’t.”

Her glare could boil the Atlantic. I swallow and wince in apology, crawling to the edge of the bed, my semi swinging out of my open jeans.

She takes one glance at it, then tuts and spins out of the room.

“No, Mick. Wait!”

Her feet thunder down the steps as I scramble to do up my pants and chase after her.

But I don’t get far. Asher’s at the top of the stairs, slapping a hand against my bare chest. The look of glee on his face is punchable. “You didn’t just have sex, did you?”

“Does it look like I did?” I growl.

“You’re holding a condom packet.” He points at my hand. “It’s open.”

“But the rubber’s still in there.” I shove it into his chest, smearing the lube on his shirt.

“Ew, dude.” He jumps back in disgust, and I take the opportunity to brush past him. “Where are you going?”

“I’ve got to get Mikayla.” Snatching a jacket off the hook by the door, I shove it on and wrench the door open.

“Don’t forget the rules, man!” he shouts down the stairs.

I whip around and silence him with a glare that’s lethal enough to make him shuffle back from the stairwell.

Slamming the door shut behind me, I scan the darkened street for Mikayla but don’t see her anywhere.

“Shit,” I mutter, running for my truck, determined to find her and explain.

Screw the fucking bet. I have to tell her the truth.



I didn’t have time to order an Uber. Instead, I sprinted like the wind through the darkness, arriving back at the sorority house out of breath and nearly keeling over. I’m a fit person, I keep up with my running and calisthenics, but I have never run that fast in my life.

Bending over, I brace my hands on my knees and suck air into my lungs. I need to pull myself together before walking in the front door.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

I thought Ethan wanted me. I was so fucking sure, and then he paused. That look on his face while he stared at the condom packet spoke volumes. It was almost like he was scared to go all the way with me, which is total bullshit because he’s a freaking manwhore!

He must have just felt bad because he went and led me on like that, but then when it came to the crunch, I’m not enough for him.

I hate this feeling so much.

My chest hurts.

Pushing my fist against my rib cage, I squeeze my eyes shut and feel the burn fire down the entire length of my body. It makes me want to drop to my knees and cry, but the front door pops open and I jolt upright, staring at Aimee as she struts down the path toward me.

“What are you doing?” Her tone is so derogatory.

I puff, then force a deep breath through my nose. “Catching my breath,” I finally tell her.

She gives me a weird, disgusted look before crossing her arms and glaring at me. “And where have you been?”