I’ve got one week to go.

But even then… do I want to give in?

Running a hand through my hair, I stare down the empty street and have to admit that taking it all the way with Mikayla—as awesome as that would be—could be a fatal mistake. I said no romance in college, and I meant it. I won’t get distracted from my goals here. I can’t.


I turn at the sound of my dad’s voice.

“You okay?”

I nod, letting out a heavy sigh as I walk back toward him. He’s leaning against his car, flicking the keys around his finger, obviously ready to make the drive back to Denver.

“Thanks for coming,” I murmur. “I always love having you at the games.” Digging my hands into my pockets, I scuff the concrete driveway with the toe of my sneaker.

“You played good hockey tonight, kid.”

“Yeah.” I grin. “It felt good.”

“You saw her in the stands… and you upped your game. You played for her.”

I clench my jaw, not wanting to admit it.

“You’re in love with her.”

My eyes shoot up to his, and I shake my head. “I don’t know. It’s new. I don’t really… know her.”

“Yeah, you do… I mean, sure, you’re gonna keep peeling back those layers, but I saw your face tonight. You love her.”

I sigh, those words ringing true in spite of the fact that I don’t want them to be. It feels so fucking fast. I’m blindsided.

“It scares the shit out of you, doesn’t it?”

I nod, gripping the back of my neck as that sad look on her face rides through me again. She felt rejected tonight. Shit. I did that to her.

“Why?” Dad’s soft question captures my attention.

“Huh?” I look up at him.

“Why are you so scared? It’s love, Ethan, not the plague.”

I punch out a laugh that’s hollow and wooden. The short sound disappears in the air, and we’re quickly left with nothing but my breathing and the clink of Dad’s keys.

The man can wait it out as long as it takes. He’s stubborn in his patience, and I eventually give in with a sigh. “I said no romance in college.”


“Because it’s a distraction.”

He lets out a surprised laugh. “Not necessarily. I mean, yeah, sure. It’s a distraction, but not one you need to be afraid of. I met your mother in college. She was the love of my life.”

Clenching my jaw, I look away from him, this ugly sensation making my stomach roil.

“What is it?” Dad’s voice sharpens and he pushes away from the car. “Just say it.”

I shake my head.
