I just need a minute. A walk in the darkness to stop my head from spinning.

I lost.

I never lose.

But there it is. I’m not team captain, and now I can’t have sex for a whole fucking month!



I’m homeless.

It’s that simple, really.

I just walked out of the sorority house, and now I have nowhere to go. Sure, I had a dorm room in my first week at this school, but then some genius decided that painting her nails by candlelight sounded romantic and didn’t take into consideration the uneven surface of the pillow she had it perched on. She then thought dousing it with her nail polish remover would put the damn thing out.

Needless to say, she’s not a science major, and she’s lucky to be alive. Thankfully, everyone made it out safely, but not before most of us lost a bunch of stuff and were left without a place to stay. Which is why Greek Row had to open their doors, along with several houses surrounding the Nolan U campus.

I cross my arms, looking up at the night sky and finding little solace in the few stars I can see scattered among the clouds. The streetlamps emanate a lackluster glow that casts a pale light over the path I’m now walking.

This is just… fucking perfect, isn’t it? I’m wandering the campus streets, alone, in the dark, and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with myself.

I guess I could go to a motel, but the thought of wasting what precious money I do have for the “luxury” of a lumpy bed in a half-star room is too painful to consider.

You could just go back and say you’re sorry.

“I could… or I could eat thumbtacks soaked in arsenic!” I answer myself out loud, because it’s not like anyone’s around to point fingers at the weird girl with the duffel bag who’s talking to herself, right?

I just need to find somewhere to shelter for the night.

“Stupid sorority with its stupid rules and stupid freaking President Aimee.” My anger is black and viscous, running through my veins as I storm down the street.

I’m pissed at my mother, and Jarrod, for putting me in this position. Ever since those two got engaged, they’ve been impossible.

Nolan U wasn’t even my first-choice school!

My stomach knots as I think about all those delicious plans I’d come up with last year. My best friend, Rachel, and I sat there dreaming about what we’d do after graduation, and so far… none of it has come true.

Now I’m stuck in Colorado in this piddly university town with these piddly people and… Okay, fine, the education here is pretty good. Nolan U is considered an elite college. It certainly charges like an elite college, and I get why.

The facilities are top-of-the-line. I’m loving my classes, and all of my teachers and professors are great.

But I’m still pissed that Mom and her fiancé forced me here.

Dad never would have let this happen.

The thought is a cold lump in my chest. I growl, irritated with myself for even going there.

“Pull it together, Mikayla!” I bark, picking up my pace and storming down the street so fast, I don’t even see the wall of muscle appear until I’m literally crashing into it.

“Whoa.” Large hands catch me around the waist, steadying my feet before letting go.

I take a step back, my eyes traveling up his solid body before reaching his face, which seems just as chiseled as the rest of him. I mean, I can’t see his chest or anything, but his T-shirt is fitted enough to give me a good idea of what lies beneath that white cotton, and my mouth is already pooling with water.

I frown, not liking the effect this stranger is having on me. I’m trying to be in a bad mood right now, not attracted to some college jock! He’s got to be a jock, right? Tall, broad, with dark hair sneaking out beneath his backward baseball cap and a small scar on his square-cut chin.

I wonder what sport he plays.