Yeah right.Even my drunk-ass brain is smart enough to know that's bullshit.

They want Ethan to burn, and they're using me as their little toy to do it. If I succeed, they win. If I lose, they still win because they can kick me out of their house. Aimee's gonna get her triumph one way or another.

Clenching my jaw, I look away from Damien, and he must take my silence as consent because he grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the wall. “That's better. Now let's go do this.”

Every cell in my body rebels against his touch, and I try to pull my arm free.

“Lemme go!” I sound like some whiny kid, but the idea of that guy's tongue in my mouth is enough to make me puke.

I hate being manhandled. I hate being bossed around.

I hate this whole damn thing!

“I don't want this.” I try to wrench my wrist out of his grasp, but his fingers only dig in that much harder. My voice is too quiet against the thumping music and chaotic party noise, so I try to shout, “Let! Go!” And this time my pathetic voice is backed up by a full-blown roar.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

My head whips around in time to see Ethan charging down the hallway. He looks like a feral beast, his face mottled with anger as he grabs Damien and shoves him away from me. I stumble back against the wall while Ethan blocks my body with his, getting right in Damien's face.

“She saidlet go. Are you deaf?”

“I… I…,” Damien sputters. “She… she wanted to dance, man.”

“Bullshit!” Ethan fists the guy's shirt and shoves him. Damien’s shoulders hit the wall with a smack.

He winces and I cringe, sort of feeling like I should step in and stop this but also too drunk to do anything but lean against the wall and watch the show. Captain Hero is taking down a sleazoid. It's kind of satisfying.

“Fuck this.” Damien shoves Ethan away. Sort of. It's more a case of Damien slapping his arms against Ethan's chest and Ethan letting him go. Pulling his shirt straight, he throws me a dark glare that makes me shrink against the wall before storming down the hallway.

Ethan spins around to check on me.

“You okay?” All the fire has left his voice. It's now a tender lilt that makes my eyes water. “Come on, we’re out of here.” He gently takes my elbow, guiding me in the opposite direction of the pissed off Damien.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

The repercussions of what I've just let happen scuttle after me, climbing over my shoulders, down my throat, and raiding my belly.

My knees buckle, but Ethan moves like lightning, sweeping me into his arms.

Feels so good.

I rest my spinning head against his shoulder as he carries me past the kitchen. And then my stomach starts to churn a little more, clenching painfully when I spot the sisters glaring at me.

“I screwed up,” I whisper.

“No you didn’t, baby.” Ethan brushes his lips against my forehead. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

If only he were right.



When I came down the hallway and saw that shithead yanking Mikayla’s arm while she yelled at him that shedidn’t want thisand tolet her go, I lost it. What kind of fucker treats a woman that way?

And she’s drunk off her ass.

Shit, if I hadn’t found her…