Casey hands out a few kisses, and for a second, I think he’s gonna stay, but then he pulls away from some blonde with a “Later, honey” and catches up to us.

Piling into Asher’s truck, I rest my head back and try to figure out this irritation in my chest.

Am I still pissed over the captaincy thing?

When Kirby came down with mono, we were all gutted for him. He would have been an amazing captain this year. But it did open up a chance for me, and Kirby even called to congratulate me personally.

“This fucking sucks, but I’ll be back once I’m healthy again. I’m not letting this take me out. So, just keep the team running for me, will ya? I know you’ll kick ass as captain.”

I was so honored by that and promised him I’d try to live up to the type of captain he’d be.

But then Coach chose Jason.

Damn, that idiot better not be at the house when we get there. Thankfully, he doesn’t live at Hockey House, but he often walks in the door like he owns the place and is oblivious to thefuck offvibes radiating his way. The guy is such a clueless douche. Shit, I can’t believe he’s captain.

“Stop looking so dark.” Casey nudges me with his elbow. “It sucks. We get it. But you can’t change it, so just focus on the fact that you got a Ruby Red BJ and that life is fucking awesome.”

I grin and force a nod. “Yeah, man.”

“We’re kings of campus. Woo!” Asher raises his hands with a whoop, and I can’t help a soft snicker.

Casey’s right. I can’t let this shit drag me down.

Liam pulls into our driveway. The lights are already on in the house, which means Riley and Connor must be in. They don’t live here, but they may as well. With the number of times they crash on the couch, I’m surprised Asher hasn’t converted one of his two bedrooms so he can earn himself more rent.

But the guy is stuck in his ways. The rich prick can’t live without his own room, plus a spare for all his shit. He calls it his office, but I don’t know how he gets any studying done in there when he’s set it up like his personal mancave with a monster TV, mini fridge, pinball machine, and graphic novels dominating every spare shelf there is.

“Riley!” Asher walks into the house. “’Sup, man?”

“Hey, dudes.” Our youngest D-man gives us all high fives as we trail past him, making a beeline for the den, which we turned into a pool room.

“Stack ’em and rack ’em,” Casey calls to Connor as he shrugs out of his jacket. “You playin’, Padre?”

Liam chucks the keys back to Asher. “Sure.”

And soon we’ve got a game of pool going. Asher’s handing out more beers while pouring himself a tumbler of whiskey like he’s lord of the manor. Grabbing a pool cue, he walks around the table, eyeing the triangle of balls like he’s about to play the game of his life.

“Just fucking break, man,” I mumble.

“Someone’s got his panties in a twist.” He gives me a dry glare before doing as he’s told.

I clench my jaw as the balls scatter, one going immediately into the pocket. If Asher beats me at this game tonight, I might have to snap my pool cue in half.

Casey gets some tunes going, and I don’t know how it happens, but soon this friendly game of pool has turned into a serious showdown between me and Ash.

I want to take this irritating prick down, but damn if he isn’t making me work for it.

I swear, burying that eight ball in the corner pocket is more satisfying than even Ruby’s luscious lips on my dick. He gives me a tight scowl, handing me a fifty.

Slipping it into my pocket with a cocky smirk, I raise my eyebrows at him. “Anything else you want to try and beat me at?”

“Yes, you asshole. Let’s play again.”

I take him down two more times and am three hundred bucks up by the time we change to darts.

I drink another beer, even though I told myself I wouldn’t. It’s good to relax and blow off some steam. I’m feeling better as I gather up the darts and start throwing them at the board.

I’ve convinced myself I can make the most of this year. In spite of the fact that I’m not captain, the guys still look to me for leadership, and I can’t go letting them down.