“Yeah.” I force a bright smile, glancing over my shoulder to watch her walk away.

As soon as she’s a safe distance, I whip back around to glare at Asher. “You are such a?—”

“Just keeping you on track, man.” He flashes me a cheesy grin.

I grunt and start walking, but he spins and falls into step beside me.

“So, what’s happening on Saturday?”

After a little side-eye action, I mutter, “I’m taking her to the party.”

“Like a date?”

“I guess.” I shrug, trying to play it cool.

Asher whistles. “Has the mighty Galloway fallen? I have never seen you focus on more than one chick for longer than twenty-four hours, bar the Aimee fiasco of freshman year. Oh, and there was that Shanna thing too, I guess. ”

Clenching my jaw, I resist the urge to shove him away from me and start running, finally gritting out, “Yeah, well, I can usually get them out of my system, can’t I?”

He snickers, his shoulders trembling like he’s fighting hysterical laughter. “Has my bet really turned you from a coldhearted sex machine to actually pursuing a girl?”

“I’ve never been coldhearted,” I snap. “Fuck you, man. We all know college is about casual flings. No one in the house is serious about anyone.”

“Liam was last year.”

“Yeah, and look how that turned out,” I spit, irritation coursing through me.


Screw that. Just because I enjoy sex doesn’t make me an asshole. I’m always up-front with the girls I hook up with. They know the deal.

Mikayla doesn’t.

I smash my teeth together, sliding my shades back on so I have a shield between me and Asher’s keen gaze.

He’s still grinning at me, and I want to serve him up a swift, sharp punch to the face.


I don’t know why that term is eating me so damn much.

“Well.” Asher pats me on the shoulder. I shake him off with a little growl, which only makes him laugh. “Luckily, I’ll be there on Saturday night to keep an eye on you.”

“I don’t need you to do that.”

“Sure you don’t.”

“It was just kissing,” I grumble, pointing back to the spot where Mikayla turned my insides to Jell-O.

“Didn’t you know, bro? Kissing leads to sex… and you ain’t allowed none of that for another—” He checks his phone. “—sixteen more days.”

When he starts hissing in mock sympathy, I flip him the bird.

“Watching you burn is gonna be so much fun.” He cracks up laughing, flipping me off while veering left and sauntering away with a goofy grin.

I scowl after him, fisting my hands and continuing on to class.

The last thing I feel like doing is sitting through an anatomy lecture, but I force myself there, because hockey may be king, but I’m not leaving this place without a decent education, and I won’t get jack if I don’t put in the work.