I tip my head to study her, lightly tugging the end of her braid. It’s a loose one that’s draped over her shoulder, locks of hair falling out of it. She huffs when I tease her, “You don’t have one romantic bone in your body, do you?”

“Romantic? Oh, so you want me to go as your date to the party?”

“Sure, why not?”

Her face bunches with confusion as she shakes her head and sputters, “Could you be any more confusing?”

I blink and shake my head. “I’m not following.”

“Exactly!” she spits. “Because it’s so fucking confusing! One minute you’re telling me off like an overprotective guardian, then you’re teasing me like I’m your kid sister, and yesterday you tried to suck my tongue right out of mouth before bailing with an excuse about early morning hockey practice. I don’t know what you want from me.”

“I…I want…” With a little growl, I rest my hand on her hip and finally sputter out some semblance of truth. “I want to take you to the party. I want to pick you up and walk you in the door so everyone in that place knows you’re with me!”

My outburst shuts her up. For all of five seconds.

“So, you don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else having me either. How lovely.”

I snatch her wrist before she goes to walk away from me again and gruffly whisper, “I do want you,” before planting my lips on hers.

She responds instantly, like our tongues were specifically designed for each other. Her initial squeak of surprise is lost to a moan that twitches my dick. As I plunge my fingers into her hair, all the blood rushes down to the guy, snapping him to attention.

Is it now?

Is the wait over?

Are you finally putting me out of my misery?

It kills me that I can’t grant his wishes, but I force myself to slowly pull out of the kiss. Cupping Mikayla’s cheeks, I enjoy the dazed look in her eyes. She blinks, slowly coming to, and I get it. Hot damn, I get it.

Her kisses are fire.

She scrapes her teeth over her shiny bottom lip, and my insides flare with an inferno of need. But then I catch a movement out of the corner of my eye and stand straight, instinctively shifting to block Mikayla from whoever’s approaching.

Aw, crap on a cracker.

“Hey, guys,” Asher singsongs, his grin growing wide as he leans around my body to wiggle his eyebrows at Mikayla. “Lil’ mouse. Nice to see you.”

“And you.” She steps up beside me. “Any luck with that footage?”

“Gone.” He winks at her. “You held up your end of the bargain, so I dealt with mine this morning.”

“Bargain?” I look between them, hating that they’ve got something going on that I don’t know about.

Mikayla glances up at me. “I agreed to hang at Hockey House last night on the condition that he get rid of whatever was recorded in the workout room.”

I throw Asher a dry glare, but I’m actually grateful. I don’t want Mikayla embarrassed by that, plus she could get in trouble for sneaking into the arena, plus Coach would fry my ass over an open flame if he knew I’d been getting it on in the workout room.

“Thanks,” I mutter, holding out my fist.

He taps his knuckles against mine before flashing me that warning look again. “It’s a great day, isn’t it?”

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering where the fuck he’s going with this.

“Yeah, temperature’s good.” He looks up at the blue sky. “You know… I could almost walk around campus naked on a sunny day like this.”

Mikayla bulges her eyes at him before letting out a shocked bark. “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.”

She shoots me ayour friend is weirdkind of look before squeezing my arm. “Catch you on Saturday.”