I face my teammate and pin him with a glare that could turn wood to charcoal.

He just snickers and does that irritating eyebrow wiggle again before spinning back to Mikayla with a cocky smirk.

“So, would Ethan’s little gym buddy like to come back to Hockey House for dinner?”

“Hockey House?” She gives him a pitiful frown. “Younamedyour house?”

Asher shrugs. “What idiot doesn’t?”

“Okay.” She tips her head. “But I would like a word with the idiot who chose Hockey House, because that’s just lame.”

“Puck off.” He frowns at her.

She raises her eyebrows, biting her lips against a smile as she points at him and wrinkles her nose. “That’s lame too. Just say ‘fuck,’ man.”

Walking past him, she gives him a little pat on the arm while I fight my own grin and try not to relive every second of that searing kiss.

Asher bulges his eyes at me—is this chick for real?—while pointing after Mikayla.

I snicker and nod. Apparently so.

Which is maybe why I’m finding her so refreshing. We’re used to puck bunnies falling all over themselves to bag us. They’ll say whatever they think we want to hear. It’s a nice change to meet a girl who’ll tell it to us straight.

My cock twitches again, trying to finish what we so happily started earlier.

“Down, boy. It’s not happening,” I mumble, adjusting my shorts and heading for the shower—a cold-as-fuck shower—because I don’t think junior here is gonna understand anything else.



Asher chases me down the corridor. “So, you coming or what?”

I glance over my shoulder, wishing my strides were longer so he can’t catch me so easily. I kind of want to outrun my flaming red cheeks and maybe go into hiding after being busted by him and then finding out there are cameras in that workout room.

Ethan’s chest is a freaking work of art. The second I spotted his glistening skin and perfectly carved torso, my V-jay started throbbing. Like nightclub, party-mix aching for the guy. This gush of hot liquid shot straight between my legs, and it was an effort not to drop to my knees and beg him to take me right on that padded floor.

Thankfully, he got me doing push-ups, which helped a little… until I thoughtlessly jumped on his back and his muscles flexed and moved beneath me. My pussy was purring, and then it melted and turned into a puddle of white-hot goo. When his lips touched mine, any coherent thought became impossible. When his tongue dove into my mouth, breathing was added to the list of struggles, and then he started grinding against me, and every cell in my brain turned to mush.

And the cameras probably caught it all.

Shit! Do they have sound too? Did they hear me moaning?

Kill me now.

Just bury me in a grave marked:

Mikayla Evelyn Hyde

Died of Humiliation

I can’t let this happen. What if someone leaks it?

And now all I can picture is a bunch of security guards standing around a black-and-white screen while they laugh and point, then start sharing it on TikTok and Insta.


Spinning with a jerk, I hold my hand up for Asher to stop. “Do you have access to the camera footage in the workout room?”