“You painted the worst picture possible. And lemme guess, you didn’t mention at all the fact that you’re making me do the most ridiculous initiative ever invented!”

“It’s not ridiculous. Other girls have done it before—with far more ease, I might add.” Her voice spikes, her anger rising to match mine. “And it’s not like Ethan Galloway doesn’t deserve it.”

I narrow my eyes at her, picking up the way her cheeks flush and her delicate nostrils flare. “What did he do to you?”

“Nothing I couldn’t get over.”

“Obviously.” Okay, that sarcasm was impossible to hide. But come on.

She huffs and crosses her arms. “We dated freshman year. Things were going perfectly and thenpoof.” She snaps her fingers. “The guy decides I’m not the only girl on campus worth boning. So he dumps me and turns himself into a man slut. That arrogant prick.‘I don’t think we should be exclusive. It’s not really my style.’” She puts on this voice which is the worst imitation of Ethan I will ever hear.

I raise my eyebrows at her.

“As if any girl on this campus could be better than me.”

“O-kay,” I murmur, wondering if she can actually hear herself when she speaks. “So, if he didn’t want to be exclusive withyou, then why the hell do you think he’s gonna fall for me?”

Her expression returns to that arrogant smirk she loves to wear so much, and finally, the penny drops.

I click my tongue, looking away from her as I try to contain the vibrating anger in my chest. “You chose this task on purpose. You want me to fail so I can’t be part of this sorority, even though you told Daddy Dearest that you’d do everything in your power to get me in. But you can’t admit how much you hate me, right? So instead, you give me an impossible task and then tell him with those fake doe eyes of yours that‘I did everything I could, but Mikayla just wasn’t a good fit. I tried, Daddy, I really tried.’”

Her cheeks flush red at my mocking imitation of her before she sneers. “You don’t even want to be here.”

Oh, how I want to lace her morning health shakes with laxatives!

I’ve been working my ass off to stay here, but of course she sees through my paper-thin veneer.

I don’t belong. I’ll never belong, but I have to. Because of Jarrod’s stupid contract. Why the fuck did I sign that thing?

Because it’s senseless to get saddled with a huge student loan when I have the chance of free education at a really good school.

You could just bail. Head back to Cali, move in with Rachel, get a student loan.

Break your mother’s heart. Piss off Jarrod, which will probably cause tension in Mom’s relationship, and that will break her heart in a whole different way.


I clench my jaw, trying to hide my angst from Aimee. Like I’ll give her the satisfaction of knowing how much this is killing me.

Crossing my arms, I meet her challenging gaze with one of my own. I am on fucking fire right now, and I will not let this prissy president beat me.

“I’m not gonna fail.” I point at her. “Iwillwin Ethan’s heart, and then I’ll break it. You just watch me!”

She lets out a derisive snort before stepping back and shutting the door in my face.

“Grrrr!” I spin on my heel and stomp out of the house, slamming the door shut behind me and storming back across campus to the hockey arena.



I’m on my own in the workout room. Liam finished up a few minutes ago and hit the showers. Asher was right behind him. I’m not ready to call it quits, and I can’t explain why.

Except that I can.

Mikayla hasn’t texted me back yet.

Pathetic. I know.