I need to end this,now. I’m about to offer her a ride home when the Sig Be sisters approach the table.

“Well, hello, ladies.” Asher turns to smile at them, conducting a little eye sex with the blonde near the front.

She simpers while her friend casts a look around the table. Her lips twitch when she reaches Liam and he gives her his standard polite smile. Unlike the others, he’s not a hungry lion when it comes to the opposite sex.

He doesn’t sleep around. I don’t even think he’s hooked up with anyone since breaking up with Kylie over the summer.

“Time to go, Mikayla.” The one with the ice-queen glare gives me a prim smile before lifting her nose in the air.

Oh shit. I remember her now. She used to hang out with a girl I dated my freshman year. Aimee Walters. She was something. I spent several weeks with her before I realized that serious was not what I was after. Aimee was way too uptight for my liking. She had a great bod and a tongue that could do all manner of dirty things to me. That part was awesome and the reason why I stuck around at first, but then she started checking up on me, treating me like her boyfriend, pissed off when I wouldn’t ditch my friends to spend time with her. She wanted to go exclusive, and I bailed before I was sucked into the vortex.

Let’s just say she didn’t take it well.

“Hey, there’s a party coming up at Kappa Phi. You guys going?” Casey keeps his eyes on Mikayla while he’s asking, and a flash of irritation spikes through me.

“Aw, we can’t make it this weekend.” The blonde next to Mikayla pouts.

“It’s next weekend.” Casey winks at Mikayla, and my irritation is turning into a blood-boil situation.

“Oh, well, in that case…” Blondie simpers. “We’ll definitely be there.”

“Cool. Gimme your number and I’ll send you the deets.” He grabs his phone, but I quickly pass Mikayla mine.

“I can let you know.” I don’t think my voice is casual enough because I can feel Liam’s curious gaze and a little heat from Casey’s.

“O-kay.” Mikayla types in her number, then hands it back. It’s impossible to hide my laugh when I see she’s used a mouse emoji instead of her name.

Her lips twitch, and she shakes her head at the inquisitive look she’s scoring from Blondie.

“Inside joke,” she murmurs, dipping her head and moving away from the table.

I watch her walk out of sight, my lips still twitching with a grin.

“What’s so funny?” Casey grumbles.

“Nothin’.” I shove the phone into my back pocket with a little smirk.

“You’re an ass,” he mutters.

“Oh really? And what was that?” I growl, then put on a voice. “Hey, gimme your number. Join me at the party.”

He snorts and raises his eyebrows at me. “What, dude? It’s not like you can go for it. You’re just buddies, remember? She’s a cool chick. I like her.”

I grit my teeth and lightly thump the table with my fist. Casey’s gaze remains on me, and he finally nods. “Oh, okay. I get it. You’re hoping to string her along until this ban is lifted and then you can have your fun. No worries.” He shrugs. “There’s plenty more candy out there for me to enjoy. I just liked her spunk, you know? She’s different to the other girls.”

I appreciate the sentiment, except for the stringing along part. Mikayla’s a cool chick. I hate the idea of playing her just to get in her pants. But if I’m not after anything serious, then what the hell am I doing interacting with her at all? Do I honestly just want her as my friend?

That’d be cool. As long as she didn’t touch me or walk into bars looking smoking hot, I’d totally be able to handle that.

“She’s fun,” Liam murmurs. “I can see why you like her.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty easy to hang with,” I mutter, snatching my bottle off the table and wishing it wasn’t empty, but it’s a good excuse to stalk away from the table and not have to put up with any more questions from my buddies, or respond to Asher’s laughing taunt.

“Better keep it in your pants, man! You’re playing with fi-re!”