A hard laugh comes out of me, brittle and spiky. “You are such an ass.”

“Perfect. An ass and a mouse. Isn’t there some fable about that?”

“It’s a mouse and an elephant, you idiot. And if you don’t want to hang out with me, why the fuck do you want to walk me to class?”

He sighs, his large shoulders slumping forward as he scuffs the concrete with his sneaker. “It’s not that I don’t want to hang out. It’s just?—”

“Forget it.” I cut him off before this all becomes too feely and I give away how much his rejection is like a punch to the gut. “We’re good. I got my coffee, and I don’t need anything else from you.”

His eyebrows dip into a sharp V.

“Chin up, big guy. This campus is crawling with girls who are probably more your style. Go ask one of them if you can be their personal protection detail.” Forcing a bright smile, I start backing away from him. “Have a good day.”

And then I flip him off, because I can’t help myself.

He snickers and raises his middle finger right back at me.

It makes me laugh, dammit. Why does he have to be so fucking funny?

Spinning away, I storm off, trying to focus on the fact that he doesn’t want to have dinner with me. He obviously doesn’t mind my company as a friend or something.

What else is new?

A girl like me is always shoved into the friend zone because that’s just who I am. No amount of lip gloss or hoop earrings is going to hide that.

With a growl, I untie the knot in my T-shirt and try to yank out the wrinkles. It doesn’t work, and now I have to walk around campus with a mangled shirt. Perfect, it can match the scrunched-up feeling in my chest.

Dammit, I hate this so much.

Anger at Mom and Jarrod rears hot and fast. Damn them for putting me in this stupid position, and damn Aimee for giving me this impossible initiation task!



Offside is going off tonight. Music is pumping, the dance floor is crowded with gyrating bodies, and all three pool tables are occupied. Thursdays are usually popular. Students are getting over an intense workweek, and they’re already looking ahead to the weekend. May as well blow off a little pre-partying steam and get warmed up. Anyone can zombie their way through a Friday, right?

I wrap my fingers around the beer bottle Casey just set in front of me. I’m just having one tonight. Coach doesn’t want us drinking at all, but come on… let’s be realistic. After the practice we just endured, I’d say it’s fair that we tip back one or two.

Man, he worked us hard.

I mean, he has to. The season starts in less than a month, and we need to be ready. I don’t mind sweating it out for that reason. It’s perfect prep for going pro, which I’m still set on doing. But I don’t want to go pro until I have a degree in my back pocket. If my grandpa’s experience taught me anything, it’s to have a backup plan.

Casey perches on the stool beside me, resting his tattoo-covered arms on the table and scanning the dance floor for hotties. He’s always on the lookout. Like me, the guy’s after fun, not serious. We’re too young to get tied down with that drama. There are plenty of women out there who just like to have a little fun, too, and Casey’s radar is set to track ’em.

“Anything good out there?” Asher grins, resting his arms on the table.

Casey’s left shoulder hitches. “Nothing poppin’ yet.”

“Come on, man. Don’t be so damn picky.” Asher snickers and glances over his shoulder. “I can see three I’d bang without hesitation. Red dress. Blonde curls. And… where’d she go? Yeah, that Latino goddess with the double-D rack.”

Casey strains his neck to get a decent look and nods. “Not bad.”

“So why the hell aren’t you going for it?”

My friend takes another swig of his beer before giving me a sideways glance and shrugging.

I sigh, my shoulders slumping. “Dude, you don’t have to serve this punishment with me. If you want to go get some, just go. I don’t need sympathy celibacy.”