I shrug and figure I could use a drink. But as I reach the driver’s door, I change my mind.

“Screw it, let's just go back to Hockey House.”

Liam slips into the passenger seat and gives me an assessing look. “No offense, man, but you look like you could use a drink.”

“I could.” I nod, the idea of a cold brewski feeling pretty damn sweet right now. “But I don't want to spend the night fending off women because I can't taste a one of ’em.”

“I'm pretty sure you're allowed to taste. You're just not allowed to?—”

I shut him up with a growl, but his words slipped apart with laughter anyway.

“I'm sorry, bro. Really.” He sounds so fucking amused as I reverse out of the parking space and head for home. “I still can't believe you gave in to that bet so easily.”

“Yeah.” I sigh, running a hand through my wet hair. “I just couldn't let Asher get the better of me. If I didn't rise to the challenge, he was gonna hold it over me for weeks. You know how relentless the guy is.”

“I do.” Liam grins, then lightly slaps my arm with the back of his hand. “You can do this, though. You're strong enough to resist.”

“Yeah,” I murmur, thoughts of Mikayla dashing through my mind.

I can resist her.

I just wish I could stop thinking about her.

Every time I do, I can’t help grinning over how rude she was. Girls don’t act that way around me. They bat their eyelashes and giggle, or they give me theirfuck meeyes and I deliver. But this lil’ mouse gave me the finger and told me she was gonna kill me. It’s classic. It’s funny.

Which is why I should probably distance myself from her.

Or maybe not.

I can't imagine her doing anyI want to lick your face offtype moves on me, which means it's probably safe enough to talk to her when I see her.IfI see her.

I just won't seek her out.

There, problem solved.

This doesn't have to be a big thing.

It's not like she's gonna track me down. To her, I'm just the jackass who called her lil' mouse… and I won't be able to help myself from doing it again, because the way her nose wrinkled and the way she fought her smile is too tempting to resist.

She's easy to tease because I know I'm not gonna offend her. She's a tough nugget and will just throw it straight back at me. I'm not dealing with a Little Miss Priss. Which is why my eyes are scanning the street as we drive past Greek Row, in spite of my decision to not go looking for her.



I spent my weekend trying to be a good sorority sister. I didn’t complain about the two-hour mani-pedi we had to sit through. I refused to go for pink nails and am now sporting navy blue, which I actually quite like. Painted nails are kind of fun, but I can never be bothered sitting around to let the paint dry.

While we were stuck with unusable hands, we were quizzed on the rules of the sorority house, and then Aimee did a presentation on what influential women wear.

“You can be both elegant and powerful.” Her eyes darted my way several times throughout the presentation as if she was speaking specifically to me.

I tried not to let it rile me, but I was in a pretty foul mood by Sunday afternoon. I was so over “sisterhood” and missing Rachel with an ache that was physically painful.

She’s the only girl I’ve ever truly connected with, and I was grateful for her texts and GIFs throughout the weekend. She keeps me going, although it doesn’t help with the whole pining-for-California thing.

Rolling over in my bed with a soft groan, I can feel the day beginning to dawn. My brain slowly drags itself into thinking mode, and I’m just figuring out that it’s Monday when an airhorn blasts outside my door.

I bolt upright, my heart taking off as I pant and try to regulate my fuzzy brain.