I spin and flip him the bird.

“So fucking rude, Shorty.” He grins, lifting his own finger to flip me off.

I can’t help a laugh and quickly turn away before he realizes how funny I think he is. How adorable that look on his face was and how freaking hot his body is.

He probably knows it already. A jock like that?

He’s probably got a girlfriend… or a harem of them. Or he’s one of those meatheads who figures that sleeping his way through the female population is a healthy way to spend his time at Nolan U.

I’m so glad I never learned his name.

If I see him on campus again, I’ll just walk the other way. Sure, he’s a bit of nice eye candy, but so not worth my time.

Right now, I have to focus on swallowing the last of my pride and doing what I must to secure a college degree from a prestigious school. My dream is to become a sports agent. I only have to spend four years here studying sports management and business. And then I should probably go to law school. Agents need a solid understanding of contractual law. But maybe I can work for a few years or do some internships before hitting up law school. The sooner I can be independent from Jarrod and my mother the better.

But if I want any chance in hell of seeing my dreams come true, I need to toe the line on this one, which is why I walk my ass back to Greek Row and climb the front steps of the Sigma Beta Mu house.

I knock twice and am relieved when Teah opens the door.

“Oh, you came back. Yay. I was worried about you last night.” She pulls me into the foyer just as Aimee and Fiona come trotting down the stairs.

“Well, well, well.” Aimee tips her head, her eyes gleaming with triumph. “Hello, Mikayla.”

“Thanks for calling my mom for me.” I say the words with a smile, wondering if she can taste the sarcasm dripping off them.

She gives me a simpering laugh as she descends the last two steps and comes to a stop in front of me. I look up at her while my insides writhe. A quick rebellion is forming in my stomach, but I squash it down.

Think of your future. You can do this.

Swallowing the acid taste in my mouth, I try to sound as genuine as I can. “I’m sorry for leaving last night. I guess I was nervous about trying to pull off this initiation and didn’t want to admit that I don’t think I can do it.” I spit out the speech I came up with on my walk.

How robotic does it sound?

I check Fiona’s and Aimee’s expressions. They’re both looking a little bored, but they seem to believe me, so I force out the rest.

“I really do want to be a Sig Be sister. So… please, give me a little more insight into this guy I’m supposed to destroy. Who is thisEthan Galloway?”

“I still can’t believe you don’t know him. You’ve been here for weeks. Have you been living under a rock this whole time?” Fiona pulls out her phone and starts searching for something.

“In fairness, hockey season hasn’t started yet,” Teah murmurs.

“Hockey?” My voice is barely more than a whisper as I think about the guys who arrived at the arena this morning.

Please don’t let it be one of them.


Hockey guys?

“Here he is.” Fiona flips her phone around, and my heart sinks on the spot.

It’s not just any hockey guy. Dammit. It’s The Jock. Tall Man. Captain Hero.

I gaze at his picture. He’s decked out in his Cougar hockey jersey, a proud, cheesy smile on his face.

His handsome, gorgeous, chiseled face.

His cocky, confident, bossy face.