I won’t be able to get into the building, but maybe I can find a shadowy patch against its looming edge. Someplace I can curl up, unseen, and try to get some sleep.

Exhaustion is tugging at me as I reach the end of the path and skirt the side of the building. I end up near the parking lot. It’s well-lit, so I can see and hear people coming, but if I press my back against the wall, I’ll be hidden in a strip of shadow. Dumping my duffel bag on the ground, I kick it up against the concrete and flop down beside it.

I’m drenched in darkness and feel safe enough. Even if a vanload of sleazoids pulls up, they won’t be able to see me.

Resting my head back against the cold surface of the building, I stare up at the night sky and shake my head.

What the fuck am I going to do?

Sleep here every night from now on?


Mom will find out about my performance tonight. She always does, because her soon-to-be stepdaughter, Aimee fucking Walters, tells her everything.

Yep, that’s right. My sorority president is going to be my stepsister, and if that’s not a punch to the face, the fact that my mother is stupidly in love with her smarmy father is like a kick to the balls—if I had them, although I’m sure a kick to the V-jay hurts pretty bad too.

That’s what the engagement announcement felt like, anyway.

Or maybe it’s the fact that since hooking up with Jarrod, my mom has turned herself into someone I don’t even recognize. Who knew that the Walters were the only family on the planet who knew absolutely everything and whatever they say isn’t just opinion, it’s irrefutable law.

“But Jarrod says Nolan U is the only college you should be considering. It’s elite, Mikayla. The best of the bunch. He’s happy to pay for your tuition if you go there.”

“Jarrod believes this is the best choice for you, and so do I.”

“Jarrod knows his stuff, Mikayla. Don’t try to argue with him. You only embarrass yourself… and me.”

“Grrr.” I let out a disgusted huff and dig into my bag for my phone.

Me: Hey, you up?

I only have to wait a minute before I get a response.

Ray: Yep. You okay?

Me: Need to talk.

And my phone starts ringing.

“Hey, bestie,” I murmur.

“Hey, you. What’s up?” Rachel’s sweet voice brings instant comfort, and I pull my knees to my chest, hugging myself and avoiding the question by asking one of my own.

“How’s Cali?”

“It’s good.” I can hear the smile in her voice, and I know she’s either with, or thinking about, her new boyfriend. “Not the same without you, though. Who knew Fontana could be so bland without the presence of Mikayla Hyde?” Her soft laughter hits my ears and I ache for home, especially when her voice quakes. “I did. I knew.”

I sniff. “I miss you.”

“Ditto times infinity.”

The ache blooms and spreads across my entire chest. It’s an effort to keep my voice upbeat. “How’s the new job going?”

I should really ask about Theo. That’s her favorite topic of conversation these days, but I don’t really want to talk about guys or to hear how happy she is with hers.

“Yeah, it’s pretty good. I mean, waitressing isn’t exactly my dream job.”

“It’s a foot into the food industry. You’ll own your little bake shop one day.”