I grin down at her. “Yeah, I get that. But this particular girl needs to talk to me, so I’m hounding her.”

She growls. “I do not.”

“Yeah you do.” I lean down, getting in her space and hoping my eyes are reflecting whatever the hell is pounding in my chest right now, because it feels good and right and… shit, I’ve fallen for this girl. My dad’s right. “Mick… I’m sorry about last night.” The words come out as this husky croak, and she swallows, darting her eyes to the floor.

I spot someone to my left and glance her way, only to notice a dozen eyes on us. They’re not even being subtle about it.

“Come on.” Gently taking Mikayla’s elbow, I lead her down the hallway until I find an empty classroom.

She’s not fighting me, and I move fast, not wanting to lose this momentum. I guide her away from the door, and we shuffle past the tables and right into the back corner. I spot a door and try it, relieved when it opens into an office. I don’t even know whose office it is, but it’s empty and there’s not much in here. Just a desk with a mug of pens, a box of tissues, and an empty coffee mug. The shelves are lined with textbooks that need dusting, and I can see why the professor doesn’t spend much time in this windowless space.

But it’s the perfect place to talk to Mikayla.

Closing the door, I flick on the light and finally let her go.

Her arms are crossed, and she’s scanning the shelves of books. “Okay, so the creeper vibe is kinda strong in here. What the hell are you planning on doing with me in this solitary cell?”

I snort at her dry tone and shake my head. “I just needed a private space we could talk in.” Perching my butt on the edge of the desk, I cross my ankles and look at her. “I really am sorry about how we left things last night. I wish I could explain. I just?—”

“Don’t worry about it. You don’t have to explain.” She shrugs. “I get it, okay? I like hanging out with you, too, and being friends is awesome. I’m used to guys feeling this way.” Her resigned smile makes me frown. “Just because I think you’re smoking hot doesn’t mean you have to be attracted to me. No hard feelings, okay? Just give me a little minute to lament the fact that we’re on different pages and I’ll be fine. Don’t go feeling guilty or whatever. You?—”

“Wait. Stop.” I raise my hand to cut her off. “You don’t think I’m attracted to you?”

She grips her arms and looks back at the bookshelf, her jaw clenching.

“Are you kidding me?” I bolt off the desk and am against her in two quick strides. I don’t even wait for permission to capture her mouth against mine.

I have to show her how damn attractive she is. How badly I want her. I wish I could tell her the truth. No one would hear me in here. Asher would never find out.

But I’d know. And I’m not the kind of guy to lie or break a bet. I’m no coward.

Mikayla lets out a soft moan, her tongue lashing against mine like she couldn’t control it if she wanted to. I get that, since my hands are moving of their own accord, cresting her perfect boobs before whistling over her waist and hips.

Her bag drops off her shoulder, landing on the floor with a thud as she rises to her tiptoes, sucking my bottom lip into her mouth before changing angles and deepening the kiss all over again.

I curve my hands around her sweet ass and lift her off the floor, my rigid cock nestling between her legs and practically vibrating.

Oh man, I don’t know if I can control it this time.

But right now, I don’t give a shit.

She’s gotta know how much I want her. How good I want to make her feel.

Carrying her over to the desk, I place her down, pulling back to revel in the hungry look in her eyes. They spark with a heat that makes me groan, and I capture her neck, pulling her back toward me for a searing kiss before trailing my lips along her jawline and down to her collarbone. The tip of my tongue paints a line down the V-neck of her shirt. She whimpers as my fingers trail up her legs, nudging her denim skirt up past her butt, then drawing my feather-soft touch between her legs.

She jerks like it tickles, and I grin at her, crouching in front of the desk and kissing her knee before inching my way up to the wet heat I know is waiting for me.

She looks nervous for a second, her breath hitching, and I pause.

“Is this okay?”

“Yeah.” The word shudders out of her. “Don’t stop.”

“Your wish is my command,” I murmur against her inner thigh. Tugging her panties off, I slide them down her legs, letting them dangle off her right foot before hiking her knees over my shoulders and exploring the wonder of this woman.

She’s ready and waiting, her folds glistening as I gently nibble and lick a path to her clit. When the tip of my tongue touches her sweet spot, she lets out a strangled moan, then starts panting my name.

It’s the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever heard, and my cock is straining as I stroke my tongue across her heat before burying two fingers inside her.