“Uh… I think not.” Casey gives her an emphatic look. “Now get your cute little ass out of here before you start using words that don’t belong to you.”

He goes to shove her off the couch, but she jumps up with an unladylike guffaw and throws him the double finger with the biggest, cheesiest smile I’ve ever seen.

Holy shit, she’s cool.

I step into her line of sight, grinning at her because I can’t help myself. “Need a ride?”

“Yeah.” She nods. The angry, stressed-out spark she stormed into the workout room with has completely vanished, and I can’t deny my sense of triumph. I did that.Wedid that—my hockey boys and me.

Holding the door for her, I follow her cute little ass out to my Ford Ranger. I would offer to help her in, but as soon as the alarm beeps, she pulls open the door and jumps up like she’s not a shorty.

She’s clicking her seat belt as I slide behind the wheel.

“This is a really sweet ride.” She runs her hand over the dash.

“Thanks. Dad gave it to me for a graduation present.”

“Wow.” Her eyebrows rise. “That’s impressive. I’m guessing these things go for around thirty Gs or more.”

I’m forced to admit, “It’s a hand me down. He upgraded and I got this, but it was only a few years old when he gave it to me.”

I start the engine and drive her back to Greek Row.

“When I get enough cash together, which will probably be never,” she mutters dryly, “I want to get myself a Jeep Gladiator. I love those things.”

It’s hard not to laugh as I picture her little body behind the wheel of a huge ride like that.

“What?” She slaps my arm with the back of her hand. “You can’t picture my big, tough self cruising through town in one of those things?”

“I can, actually, which is why I’m laughing.” I throw in a wink to soften my teasing, and thankfully she laughs along with me.

“You’re such a jackass.” She shakes her head but is fighting her laughter still. “Just wait, Mr. Ford Ranger. I’m gonna get my Gladiator one day, and I’m gonna drive straight over this little truck of yours.”

Her threat sets us both laughing again, and by the time I pull up to Greek Row, all my angst from Hockey House has dissipated… until I park the car, cut the engine, and spot the tip of her pink tongue again.



I lick my lips as I study Ethan’s profile. I don’t even realize I’m doing it until his gaze darts to my mouth, and now I’m suddenly conscious of every nerve in my body.

Is he going to kiss me again?

Please, yes!

But he’s not making a move. He’s just sitting there, staring at me, tapping his finger on the steering wheel while my heart drums so loudly I’m surprised the entire Nolan U campus can’t hear it.

“So…” I let the word hang, glancing out the window and reminding myself where I am.

Shit. The Sigma Beta Mu house is right behind me. The lights are on across both floors, and there’s a very high chance that spies are looking out the window. Ethan’s truck is parked in the shadow of a tree, but they can probably tell it’s his. What’s the bet that more than one girl has done it right there in the back seat or in the bed of his truck with a cool breeze kissing her ass cheeks while she spreads eagle for the hot hockey player beside me?

That image should immediately kill my mood, but this pulse comes back between my legs, because now I’m picturingmywind-kissed ass poking into the air while Ethan takes me from behind.

Holy sweetness.My blood turns to molten lava, oozing through my system and making me light-headed. I should probably get out of this truck before I do something stupid, but one thought stops me.

Well, one thought and one animalistic instinct.

I’m supposed to be wooing this guy so I can secure a place here at Nolan U, and holy mother of sex gods, I need to kiss Ethan before I physically combust.