Which is why it grates so fucking badly that Jason got made captain instead of me.

When Coach announced it, everyone was expecting to hear my name, but then the word “Jason” came out of his mouth, and the Earth stopped spinning for a second.

Liam and Casey shot me confused frowns that quickly turned dark on my behalf. Shit, even Asher was pissed for me. Jason sauntered up to the front with a cocky grin and gave some long-winded speech about all he was going to do this season, like it only takes one man to win a fucking game.

I clenched my jaw and didn’t say a word. Coach couldn’t even look me in the eye for a week, which makes me wonder if his hands were tied on the decision. Jason’s family has a lot of sway at Nolan U. He’s like a fifth-generation legacy or some shit. Apparently his great-great-grandfather founded the first hockey team. I don’t know. I don’t care. I just have to lump Coach’s shitty decision.

“You’re backup captain for now.”

But that’s only if he puts Jason and me on separate lines. And who knows what dumb shit is gonna come out of Jason’s mouth whenever he does interviews for the team. Seriously. It’s such an epic fuckup.

I’m not trying to be an arrogant douche or anything, but Jason’s an idiot. All I can hope is that he doesn’t embarrass the team this year.

“It’s all yours after Jason graduates.”Liam keeps trying to reassure me with that thought, and I guess it’s kind of working.

I just have to play my best and not think about the rest.


I turn at the sound of my name, spotting Liam and Casey near the kitchen.

“’Sup, brothers?” I find a place between them and tap my beer can against Casey’s.

“Where you been?” Liam asks like he always does. I don’t know when it happened, maybe it was from day one, but Liam’s the guy who looks out for everyone. That’s why we call him Padre. He’s always the designated driver, always the guy with the listening ear, and if you had to bury a body, he’d be the one to call.

“Just getting a little taste of Ruby.” I grin.

Casey crows and slaps me on the back. “Lemme guess: serviced in the bathroom.”

“You know it.”

“Hope you thanked her like a true gentleman.”

“In more ways than one, bro.”

He laughs and starts searching the crowd for a honey of his own. Casey and I have the same philosophy when it comes to college romances, and that is… college isn’t meant for romance. College is meant for hookups and fun. I’ve seen too many couples get bogged down by relationship drama, and I don’t want that. It’s four years of my life before I go pro and things get super serious. I’ve loved my first two years here, and I plan to enjoy my last two just as much… if not more.

We need to live it up while we can, and I won’t be tied down by some girl who expects me to toe the line and play boyfriend.

I want to play hard, study hard, party hard, and experience all I can, while I can. Once I’ve got a degree in my pocket and an Avalanche jersey, I can get serious.

“You guys bored yet?” Asher appears, slapping his hands on my shoulders and giving them a hard squeeze.

I roll my eyes and share a quick look with Liam. He laughs and shakes his head.

If anyone knows how to rub me the wrong way, it’s Asher Bensen. I’d avoid the guy altogether if he wasn’t on the team… and I didn’t live in his uncle’s house. When he scored the six-bedroom house and invited us to move in, we jumped at the chance. I just didn’t realize how annoying he’d be to live with.

I mean, he’s not all bad. I guess I’m still there, right?

“Come on, assholes. Let’s ditch this place and head back to Hockey House.”

Yep, he named it. He named our house.

It’s kind of an appropriate title. Only hockey guys live there, and the team treats it like a base. We always have guys coming and going. The occasional girl sleeps over, but that’s usually because she’s too drunk to make it home safely. I’ve never had someone stay. Hooking up and then spending the night? That’s romance territory and definitely not for me.

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Asher throws the keys to Liam, and we trail him out the door.

It’s not the worst idea. This party is nothing new, and we do have to work out in the morning. A few whines of complaint follow us as we’re touched and pawed by different girls while we weave our way outside.