I quickly try to think of all the annoying things about him—like the way he woke me up and told me off this morning. The way he’s so damn persistent.

The way he laughed and gave me the finger.

My heart does a little hiccup, softening without warning.

No! Shit. Think about the bad stuff!

“I know it’s a little overwhelming. He’s hot property, and all the girls want him.” Teah grins. “But that’s your in. He’s a total player and will pretty much bone anybody.”

My mouth goes dry as an image of him naked on a bed suddenly pops into my mind. Tingles ripple through my downtown as I picture him thrusting into me, his body covering mine as he?—

But I cut the thought off before I accidentally moan out loud.

“You don’t have to sleep with him.” Teah laughs, rubbing my arm. “The look on your face right now.”

Aimee’s eyebrow arches while I blink and order my expression to go bland, bland, bland!

“You just have to be a dick tease. Flirt with him enough that he’ll want you.” She smirks. “He likes a good challenge. Make him think you’re a guarantee, and just when he’s confident he’s got you in the bag, we’ll rip it away from him. I’m not exactly sure how I want to do that yet, but I’ll keep you apprised of the plan. For now, pretty up and put on a smile. It’s time to go meet your target.” She lightly slaps my cheek, then looks sideways at Teah, her face bunching like she’s just smelled a fart. “You might need to help her with this.” She points at my face, then does this little circle, indicating my entire body, before turning away.

I narrow my eyes at Aimee’s back as she struts off to the kitchen.

Teah takes my arm with a kind smile, and we wander back to my closet room.

Dumping my duffel on the bed, I stare down at the narrow mattress and wish I could flop back on it. That horrible night on the concrete was for nothing. I just want to crawl into bed, shut my eyes, and forget this whole thing.

But I have classes in an hour or two and…

Crapstick.I’ve got me some work to do with Ethan Galloway now.

“Here.” Teah reaches for my hair, untangling the tie and combing her fingers through my fine locks.

She fluffs about, and I let her. Then she starts rifling through my duffel bag and pulls out an outfit for me.

“Yes.” She puts a shirt aside. “No.” She wrinkles her nose at my cargo pants, then pulls out a pair of ripped jeans that are a hand-me-down from Megan. “Love these.”

Yeah, that’s right. I get hand-me-downs from my little sister because she’s a fashion diva and I apparently don’t know the first thing about looking stylish.

So I let Teah clothe me and do my hair, then bypass the dining room and head for Java Jean’s coffee shop.

I don’t really want to start my day this way, but I’ve got a mission to complete. And the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can get initiated into this stupid sorority and focus on the future I’m fighting so hard to obtain.



I worked hard this morning. My muscles feel shredded, which is exactly the way they should be after an intense lifting session. I managed to channel some of my frustration into the workout, and I grunted and yelled my way through the heaviest lifting I’ve ever done.

Coach would be proud—maybe. It’s hard to tell sometimes. Compliments are rare and usually grunted at you, but he’s loyal to a fault and I’m pretty sure, when none of us are around, he won’t shut up about how awesome we are. And that’s why we give him our all.

Rubbing a towel over my head, I saunter out of the weight room, ready to shower up and get on with my day. But my step falters when I spot a short brunette loitering near the rink with a take-out coffee cup in each hand.

With a little snicker, I shoulder the glass door open and walk into the crisp air of the hockey rink.

“Hey, Shorty.” I grab her attention. “How’d you get in here?”

She walks around the rink to meet me, and I watch her face the whole time, trying to figure out what the hell she’s doing here.

“Mr. Zamboni let me in.”