Page 9 of Illegal Touching

I didn’t think I could have dreamed up a more perfect guy if I had tried. He had wiped away any doubts I’d ever had about waiting so long to date by being so thoughtful. And sexy.

I could so easily picture Rhodes getting a lot of my firsts. Maybe even all of them. I’d already given him two, after all. My first real date and kiss.


You really didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate it.


Just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you.


I’m thinking of you, too. Fly safe and kick butt in your game on Saturday.


Wish you could be there, baby.

A delicious shiver raced up my spine. I loved hearing him use “baby” in his deep voice, but something about seeing it in black and white was special.


I’ll be watching from home, and then if you win, I’ll be at the next game. Promise.


When, not if.

His confidence only made him more attractive.


Protect Prentice Wright like you’ve been doing all season, and I’m sure you’ll be right.


Gotta admit, I love how much you know about football.

There was a soft tap against my door, and then Glynnis called, “Got a delivery for you, Finley.”

She had a key to my apartment but never used it without my permission.

“Come on in!” I yelled back.


Need to run. Sounds like your first gift is here. Talk to you later.


I might not be able to reply quickly, but I’d still like to hear from you while I’m gone.


Whatever you want.
