Page 7 of The Submissive

“Upfront, I must be blunt that we currently don’t have any talent available to a patron.”I really need to hire more.There were two bedrooms she could rent out to as many women. They would have to be cleaned and stripped, and then redone to the woman’s tastes, but as the business grew so too must the house.“You can of course patron them on a normal basis, but only if they are available. And you wouldn’t receive any of the bonuses.”

“Bonuses? Do I even want to know?”

Monique knew what Helen meant, yet she must deflect.Sex happens with regular clients too, Ms. Helen.Completely at the woman’s discretion, but it wasn’t some sacred act confined to primary business relationships.

“Taking her out on dates, dominating her time, giving her gifts of a greater value than a thousand dollars… there are many bonuses, but a lady may only have one patron at a time. Plus, even if you can’t visit her for a while, you must still pay for the privilege. It’s a part of what makes up their primary income.” Some were saving up for their dreams. Others had debt they were paying and they didn’t mind doing it this way. Others liked getting paid to spank and be spanked.Some are all three.

“I see,” Helen said with a curious smile. “You’re intriguing me more and more.”

“I’m glad to hear it. We cater to a very discerning and particular crowd. It only seems right to intrigue them.”

“Oh? Am I a part of this crowd?”

Monique eventually returned Helen’s smile. “I pegged you as a member from the moment you walked through that door the other night.”

They commenced the formal tour, Monique staying four paces in front of Helen as she showed her around the common areas on the first floor. “Of course, you are familiar with the salon and the dining room. We also have a Recreation Room with all the current amenities. We had quite the Super Bowl party earlier this year.”

“I’m sure.”

“Since we are of course hooked up with the fastest internet available, you may be interested to know that we have video game consoles with online play capability.” Even she couldn’tbelieve how many of the rich fuddy-duddies coming through the room wanted to play Halo and Call of Duty. Sometimes things got loud when the talent was involved. Of course, the ladies being into violent video games made the clients happier. Monique never understood the appeal, but she understood the money in her palm.

“Essentially, we have a space for every client’s tastes. We have a beautiful garden out back for relaxing in. Our upstairs balcony is popular on clear summer nights and occasionally has a stargazing party. One of our employees is somewhat an astronomer.” Not that Yvette would do anything with it.Ah, so that’s what she’s looking at when she sits out there with the wine at night.Looking for her shooting star in the sky.

Helen made empty comments about every room she was shown. Even the two guest rooms downstairs, made especially for clients who had difficulties going up and down the stairs.

Monique stopped Grace in the upstairs hallway and asked if her room could be used for the tour. The lady consented, flashing Helen a flirtatious glance. Monique didn’t know if that was a reflex from her job or if she was truly interested in the newcomer to the Manoir. Either way, Monique’s business mind was already going through multiple options for her new client.

The jingle of keys enticed Helen’s curiosity as Monique pulled out a ring of them to access Grace’s lock.What? Does she think I don’t have access to every room in here?Helen would be sorely mistaken.

Grace’s room was standard. She was a simple woman with simple tastes, as reflected in the bare canopy bed and smooth, modern pieces around the room. The rugs were colored dark and without pattern. The paintings on the wall were hardly whimsical, yet not somber. Her partition to the other side of the room had a forest motif, showing some young woman from along-ago time passing through the woods with a basket on her arm.

Few clients cared about the decorations of a young woman’s room. These people in particular cared about what was on the other side of the partition.

Whips. Chains. Suspension devices. Sex toys.Every lube from every corner of the world. Costumes and jewelry. Cleaning supplies and first aid kits that nobody but the staff was supposed to know existed… Monique kicked one of the boxes behind a sofa before Helen noticed it.

“Well, then,” she said, “I figured as much. Sam was always a bit… eager to please if you know what I mean.”

Monique did. Sam Witherspoon liked to spank her gal but was more interested in being chained to the wall and called a sorry sack of capitalistic shit. There were many theories as to why powerful people liked to be treated like sexual slaves by women.Nature, I’m sure.Monique didn’t believe that. Every woman – and man – had their own story to tell. Their reasons for why they were the way they were. Sure, some of it may be nature… but there were also triggers that set off certain fetishes. And certain fears.

Their tour ended on the balcony, which had a lovely view of the manicured gardens in the back. When picking a design, Monique decided to keep the original garden intact and create a small labyrinth out of the topiaries. Some poor soul navigated them now, picking petals off a dandelion. It looked like Sybil.

This time Helen did not say no to a drink – lemonade, but not hard. “You have quite the establishment if I do say so myself.” She sat on a lounge chair but did not relax. “And I do.”

“Thank you. It took a while to put together, but I have been pleased with the outcome. It’s always nice to fulfill a service that’s so sorely needed in an area.” They lived close enough to one of the biggest financial centers in the country. Not everyonewas a rich mogul, but it was big enough to attract other rich types from all around the world. Those circles were small. Once word got out about the Manoir after a soft opening, clients busted down the doors until Monique had to turn them away and be more stringent about reservations and appointments. So while a part of her wasn’t surprised by Helen’s interest, she did admit she didn’t think she would see her so soon. “I’m glad you found it to your liking. Now you know what I have to ask.”

Helen lowered her drink, letting it dangle to her side. “Certainly. You want to know if I want to whip or be whipped.”

Monique suppressed a laugh, solely because she had no idea Helen would put it like that. “I would say it that way. Except I want you to know that I will not judge you for your tastes. Nobody here will. Everyone is completely at your discretion. We take privacy very seriously, and if one of our employees happens to ever break the NDAs she signs for every client – and none of them ever have, I’ll have you know – they do not get a second chance in this house.”

“I appreciate it. I may not be married, but…”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

Monique didn’t know why she blurted it out like that. It didn’t matter one way or another if Helen was attached to someone. Not Monique’s problem. That was all up to Helen’s sense of morality – and for all she knew, the girlfriend was in on it like with Grace’s patron.

“No, I don’t.” Helen sat up straight, closing her legs and holding the drink to her chest. “I have no moral qualms with what’s going on here or my possible involvement with it. I only have one question, really.”

“What is it? There isn’t a question I can’t answer.”The truth. Monique made it her mission to know everything about her own business. That made good financial sense. “Try me.”