Page 65 of Vampire Protection

I fought my way through the thick bushes and shrubbery, until I finally found the cottage. Now, I needed to find that vial.

Chapter Thirty-Five



I couldn’t believe it was her. It was, and yet… it couldn’t have been. She was wearing her favorite green dress, the one she refused to get out of when she was just a girl of nine. That would have made me six years old then.

I looked down at my own body, and sure enough, it was the body of a six-year-old girl, with her little chubby fingers and bare feet. I couldn’t believe this. I rubbed my eyes thoroughly, but when I opened them again, the same sight awaited me.

Cass and I were playing in the castle gardens. The sun bathed everything in a golden glow, and the scent of flowers permeated the air. I remembered this moment well. It was one of those special moments, etched in my memory forever. It was a time of joy, carefree laughter and boundless imagination.

I moved my feet and instantly, I could feel the soft grass beneath my feet. The sun warmed my skin with its rays. Cass ran over to me, joy personified. She giggled, taking me by the hand, her laughter echoing through the air.

I had no idea what this place was or how I got here, but I knew that I didn’t want to leave. Not yet. Not until I’d hugged her enough times and listened to her voice.

“Let’s pretend we are exploring an enchanted forest!” she exclaimed, just like she did years ago, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I nodded eagerly, playing along with her idea, just like I did before. “Yes! And we’ll have magical creatures as our friends, and they’ll…” I said, realizing that I forgot my exact words.

Cass waited patiently, her smile warming my heart. I felt like crying both with joy and sorrow. Then, I remembered.

“They’ll grant us wishes!” I exclaimed.

“Three for you and three for me!” Cass added, as the conversation flowed exactly like it did so many years ago.

We danced between the trees, weaving tales of fantastic creatures and grand adventures. The world around us transformed into a realm of magic and wonder. With each step we took, we ventured deeper and deeper into an enchanted forest.

I watched Cass skip cheerfully, remembering that this was the moment for the flowers. And as if I were watching a movie, Cass stopped exactly when I thought she would. Her eyes were fixated on a patch of wildflowers.

“Look, Lil!” she gasped, her eyes wide with wonder. “These flowers are very special. They can grant wishes!”

I giggled, enchanted by her enthusiasm. “Really?” I spoke, confident that I was remembering every single word. It was all coming back to me. “Let’s make a wish then!” I said, crouching down beside her.

Closing our eyes, we whispered our deepest desires into the petals of the wildflowers, hoping that they would come true. Back then, I wished for everything to stay like this forever. So, I made the same wish, with that equal childish longing and belief.

When I opened my eyes, Cass was looking at me. She was smiling, but it was a wise, knowing smile which looked strange on a child of nine.

“You have to make another wish,” she told me, much to my shock.

That wasn’t how it went. I remembered it differently. We continued to play, the sun began to set, and we sat on a grassy knoll, our hands intertwined, watching the colors of the skychange with the fading light. Father would have been calling for us to come in any moment.

“Why?” I turned to her, my voice on the verge of breaking. “I want things to stay like this.”

She smiled. “They can’t. It wouldn’t be life then. It has to change. And you have to change with it.”

“But… can’t I stay here, with you?” I asked, torn between going back and staying here with her, as we were now.

“No, Lil,” she shook her head. “I’m not staying here either.”

“Where are you going?” I gasped.

“To see mom,” she replied, pointing upward with her index finger. “And you must go back. Father needs you. And Adrian.”

“But what about—” I started, but I wasn’t allowed to finish.

I felt like a huge vacuum pulled me out of the serenity of this moment, expelling me into darkness, where I floated. I could see a million stars, sparkling all around me. They looked so close, but when I reached to touch one of them, I realized they were miles and miles away.