Page 63 of Vampire Protection

I could see he was holding another rock, an even bigger one. that wasn’t much of a defense, but it was all we had. We were obviously no match for the witch, and Luke would be of no help to us.

“Just stay behind me, OK?” Adrian urged. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Lilith.”

“I know,” I nodded, placing my hand softly on his shoulder.

“Oh, isn’t that sweet?” the witch mocked us. “Constantine told me I was not to kill a vampire, but this will not be a killing. This will be self-defense!”

Her hands suddenly clawed up, aiming for us both. I could see little crackles of lightning sparkle from them, as if she were made of electricity. Her incantations started again, and I knew this time, she was conjuring up something deadly. She was done playing games.

“I’ve had enough of your meddling!” she screamed at Adrian, aiming her hands at him. I knew that I had to do something. I couldn’t let him die protecting me. This was not his fight. He was here solely because of me, because of my father. He believed he needed to protect me, but it was the other way around.

Using all the strength in me, I pushed him away with both my hands. Not expecting this, he stumbled to the ground, and the electric bolt struck me straight to the heart. I fell to my knees, feeling every single part of my body become detached, as if it wasn’t mine any longer.

I tried to say Adrian’s name, but I had no voice. I stumbled onto the ground, and everything went dark.

Chapter Thirty-Four


“Lilith, no!” I shouted, crawling over to her, cradling her head in my arms. My gaze turned to the witch, threatening to extinguish her. “What have you done!?”

The witch didn’t dignify me with a reply. She didn’t need to. I got up, watching her try to conjure up something again, but she had no time for that. I was running faster than I ever thought was possible, even for a vampire. My muscles tensed up, tightening, turning my fists into killing machines.

I lunged at her, and we both dropped to the ground. I knew that I had to be careful, because Luke was still there. He could decide to attack me at any moment, but instead, he cowered behind a tree, just watching the whole scene that unfurled before his eyes. I decided to take care of him later. First, I had to incapacitate the witch. She was the greatest source of danger here.

The witch didn’t stand a chance. After I dealt her several blows, she was unconscious, lying on the forest floor. The wind had calmed down. The branches stopped moved. The tree she had torn out of the ground laid a bit to the side, a silent witness to her wrath.

I looked at my bloodied fists. My hands were trembling. I didn’t know if I stopped in time. I looked down at her body. I couldn’t even tell if she was breathing anymore. It didn’t matter. Like she herself said, it was self-defense. But it was still part of the job that I hated the most.

At that moment, I heard some rustling. I looked over where Luke was, and I couldn’t find him. My mind was on high alert as I looked around, only to find him crawling over to Lilith.He managed to get there without me looking, and he was leaning over her face, telling her something.

Rage gripped at me, and I completely lost it. Like a mad bear, I ran there on all fours, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him off of her, throwing him as far away from her as I could. Luke’s body fell with a loud thud noise, almost like a bag of bones being thrown.

“Get away from her!” I snarled, looming over him like a wild animal about to rip his throat apart, and he knew it. he looked at me with so much fear in his eyes, I thought his soul might escape his body at that very moment. He shook his head, his eyes wide and petrified.

“What were you doing to her!?” I demanded to know, my nostrils flaring up as I bared my teeth. The human part in me was gone. All that was left was the animal, the vampire and he was out to kill… to protect.

“N-nothing, nothing!” Luke managed to muster, as he tried to protect himself from me with his hands, which I forcefully pushed away, pinning him down.

“This is all your fucking fault!” I shouted at him, allowing him to see my teeth, my weapon of choice that I would use to end his life right now.

“I know, I know!” he shouted trying to be louder than me. I had to admit that I wasn’t expecting him to say that, or the next thing he said. “I deserve to die! This is all my fault!”

For a moment, I got confused, not sure what to do. I had to take Lilith back to the cottage, to see if there was anything we could use to try and wake her up. When I reached her, I could still feel a faint pulse, which meant she was still alive, she was still with me. And I refused to let her go.

But at the same time, I knew I had to tread carefully. Luke was still alive. The witch was incapacitated. One down, one more to go, like she said. Only, it backfired.

“I won’t grant you that wish,” I said, letting go of him, much to his shock.

I got up and took a step back away from him. Trembling on uneasy legs, he stood up as well. He was rubbing his arms, his shoulders slumped forward, waiting to see what fate he would be dealt.

“You don’t deserve to die here, from my hand,” I told him, disgusted by everything he had done. “Dying by my hand is an honor. You are not worthy. Instead, your king will decide your fate.”

His eyes widened in shock. He wasn’t expecting that. He shook his head several times quickly. I could imagine why.

“No, please… no,” he bawled. “I… I can’t look at him in the eyes…”

“You should have thought of that before,” I snarled, angry that this coward was the cause of so much tragedy, so much suffering. And the worst part was that it wasn’t over yet.