Page 40 of Vampire Protection

Did he know that something was happening with Adrian? I was sure that he couldn’t have seen anything. But maybe he had sensed it. Was that why he said that?

I couldn’t tell. All I knew was that for now, I had to keep him at arm’s length, offering my friendship and support, while I learned how to navigate the maze of my own emotions and find the right way to tell everyone the truth. The more time passed by, the more certain I was that I would not be able to go through with this wedding.

I would not be happy with Luke. I knew that now. Before meeting Adrian, I could have deceived myself into thinking that I would have my best friend as a partner. But for a loving marriage, that wasn’t enough. There had to be more. I knew that now. I knew who I wanted as my partner, even if he was doing his best to push me away.

I walked over to the window and opened it. I inhaled the fresh air deeply, closing my eyes. I knew that the road ahead would be treacherous. Who knew what else would happen, what the new day would bring? I certainly didn’t. But I was determined to find clarity in this mess, to reconcile the conflicting desires inside of me and to do what my heart told me was the right thing. And when the time came, I hoped that Luke would understand why I did this.

The mind had no control or supremacy over the heart. I could not decide who it belonged to.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Several days had passed, and I found myself riding along the same path towards the witch’s cottage. I hadn’t spoken privately to Lilith again after that conversation. I somehow managed it so that we were never alone, and that kept us at a safe distance. I hoped that was how it would remain until the end of my employment here, after which I would disappear from her life. Although she would never disappear from mine. But that was my own cross to bear.

As I made my way back to the witch’s cottage, a surge of determination coursed through my veins. The knowledge I had obtained, the urgency to seek guidance and assistance, propelled me forward through the darkened woods. But little did I know that danger lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike.

Suddenly, the stillness of the night shattered as a group of vampires emerged from the depths of the forest. Their eyes glowed with a predatory hunger, their fangs glistening under the moonlight. Panic threatened to engulf me, but I refused to yield to fear. My horse, on the other hand, was not as lucky. It propelled itself on its hind legs, threatening to throw me off. I somehow managed to calm it down, jumping off in the last moment.

The vampires attacked without any warning, their hissing permeating the silence of the woods. I fought with every ounce of strength and skill in me, because I was outnumbered. I knew if I showed weakness or if I fell down, I was done for. The air crackled with tension as they lunged at me. I used my blade to cut one of them and wound him severely. Blood sprouted allaround as he fell to the ground. I didn’t check whether he was still breathing, because I had no time.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. The acrid scent of blood mingled with the earthy aroma of the forest, a grim reminder of the dangerous dance I found myself in. My heart thundered in my chest, each beat urging me to keep fighting, to survive. Every move became a calculated gamble, each strike fueled by determination and the weight of my purpose. Lilith depended on me, secrets needed unraveling, and failure was not an option. I fought with a fervor that burned within me, a fire that refused to be extinguished.

The battle felt like an eternity, every second stretching out indefinitely. I evaded blows, bites and scratches, dealing punches and blows of my own. Their predatory instincts, however, were no match for my own. With each blow dealt, I felt a surge of satisfaction mingled with the sting of my injuries. The odds gradually shifted in my favor, as one by one they fell down, their bodies crumpled to the ground.

When it was all finished, I could barely believe it. I was still breathing heavily, looking around. The aftermath was obvious. I was the one standing. My body ached, battered and bruised, but the taste of victory swirled through my veins.

At that moment, I felt a sharp pain on my left side. I looked down and realized that my shirt was all bloody and torn. When I took a closer look, I saw that there was a deep gash. One of the vampires had claw-like nails, which he used to try and attack me. One of his attacks was quite successful. It didn’t hurt… yet. I knew it would later. I had to clean the wound, so it wouldn’t get infected. But I had nothing to use now.

I whistled loudly, and to my surprise, the horse returned from somewhere in the woods where it was hiding.

“Good boy,” I whispered, patting him on the muzzle.

I took a small water bottle which was attached to the saddle and poured it on the wound. I still felt nothing, probably because of the adrenaline still surging through my veins. Once it died down, I would definitely feel the sting. I allowed myself a moment to catch my breath, then I mounted the horse and continued my journey.

Reaching the familiar threshold of the witch’s cottage, I knocked with a mixture of relief and urgency. For a few moments, there was no reply. I thought maybe she went out to gather herbs or something, but then, the door creaked open. Those searing blue eyes surveyed me, the surprise evident without any words.

“I was attacked by a group of vampires on the way here,” I said without being asked.

Her gaze met mine, a knowing understanding etched into her features. Wordlessly, she gestured for me to enter, beckoning me into the sanctuary of her humble home. I stepped inside, the scent of herbs and ancient wisdom enveloping me like a comforting embrace.

She guided me to a worn wooden chair, her movements deliberate and measured. With a gentle touch, she examined the wounds I had acquired during the fight. Her fingers worked with a skill honed over years of experience, cleansing the cuts and tending to my injuries.

Neither of us spoke. There was no need to speak. I felt like she could see exactly what had happened simply by looking at my body and listening to the sound of my breathing. There was a calming energy that radiated from her, an aura of ancient wisdom that offered solace when you needed it the most.

I had no idea how long all of this lasted, just like I couldn’t have told her how long I had been fighting the vampires. Time seemed to stand still, although I was moving with lightning speed. She was doing the same now. When she finally completedher ministrations, she pulled away. My wound was now cleansed, with some mud covering most of the gash. Strangely enough, there was no pain either.

“I will give you an ointment that will help with the healing process,” she told me. “But for now, just sit still. Let the skin calm down on its own. And drink this.” She handed me a steaming cup, which I took into my hands gratefully.

“Thank you,” I murmured. “For everything.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” she corrected me. “There is grave danger ahead, and I’m not sure if I can do anything to help you.”

“Do you have any news to share with me?” I asked.

She nodded, taking a seat opposite me. “The Spirits of Nature have spoken to me. The daughters of the king are in grave danger. A dark force seeks to harm them, to use their lives as a pawn in a wicked game.”

The revelation struck me like a thunderbolt. I had to protect Lilith, and now it seemed that both sisters needed my help.