Page 34 of Vampire Protection

“When he strikes, he strikes deep,” she continued. “He will attack from the inside. He always has someone he can rely on. So be mindful of those around you.”

My mind raced, absorbing every detail, as I listened intently to the witch’s words. I knew that understanding thebreadth of Constantine’s plan was crucial if we were to counter his insidious designs and protect the kingdom.

“You must act swiftly,” the witch advised, her voice carrying a note of urgency. “Unravel the threads of Constantine’s web, expose the alliances he has forged, and unite those who still stand loyal to King Theodore. Only then can you thwart his treacherous plot.”

“Are there any words of wisdom you can give me, to show me the direction in which I am to be headed?” I asked, hopeful that she might give me something more than what I already knew.

“I will lend you my wisdom and my spells,” she assured me. “But first, I must consult with the spirits of Nature. They see all. They know all. Once I have done that, I will have more for you, and I will be able to help you forge a shield of light against Constantine’s ambitions.”

I smiled, nodding. That sounded promising, although I was hoping that I would return to the king with something more tangible. I supposed that this would have to do for the time being. Fortunately, her cottage wasn’t too far away, so I would be back by the end of the day. Obviously, I would need to return again soon, to see what she had found out in the meantime.

“Thank you,” I said, grateful for everything, knowing that I could have been greeted with a door slammed in my face, which would have forced me to return to the king with empty hands.

“Come back in several days,” she told me. “I will have something for you.”

“I will do so,” I nodded, as I stood up, bowing my head respectfully.

She didn’t walk me to the door. Not that I expected anything like that. As I mounted my horse, Constantine’s plot to overthrow King Theodore had not taken clarity, as I hoped itwould. But I had found hope and a new ally. A very powerful one at that.

As I headed back to the castle, it was slowly beginning to darken. Suddenly, a shiver traced its way down my spine, the air thick with the unspoken tension that lurked in the shadows. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs underneath my horse’s hooves echoed with a sinister undertone. I knew that this was vampire territory, I just wasn’t sure whether these were the peace-abiding vampires, or the ones Constantine had under his reign. To be honest, I didn’t want to stick around and find out.

I quickened the horse’s pace, as a chilling breeze started to whisper through the trees. The night was looming above me. It seemed to conspire against me, the very darkness itself closing in, threatening to engulf me whole. Yet, a flicker of determination burned within me, fueling my resolve to return to the castle because I knew that Lilith was waiting for me.

My thoughts raced, navigating the labyrinth of possibilities and potential traps that lay in wait. Each shadow that danced along the path seemed to conceal a lurking danger, every creak and groan of the night filled me with a heightened sense of peril. I felt as if I was being watched from the shadows of the night, and no matter how quickly my horse was galloping, I wouldn’t be able to escape them.

The tension mounted with every step, an invisible thread of danger tugging at my senses. A twig snapped in the distance, and my heart skipped a beat. Was it a mere trick of the night, or a sign that my presence had been detected?

Fear could do that to you. It liked to play tricks on your mind, especially in the dark, especially when you knew that you might be followed. I had no idea how long it took me to get back to the castle, but I felt enormous relief as I saw the castle gates in the distance. Approaching them, I cast a cautious glance over my shoulder, still painfully aware of the fact that danger could belurking in the shadows. The thrill of the unknown, of the unseen coursed through my veins, mingling with a sense of purpose and protection. I knew that the coming days would put my skills to the test, challenging me to navigate a treacherous landscape.

But I would welcome all those challenges. I had to.

I stepped through the gates, ready to face any trials that awaited. I had a job to do. Not only that. I had someone important to protect, even though she belonged to someone else.

Chapter Nineteen


It was the night of his return. I saw his horse from my window. But it was already too late to come out and greet him. We all had dinner already and retired to our rooms. I pressed my ear against the door and listened to the sound of oncoming footsteps. I heard them, then they died in the adjacent room, as usual.

I couldn’t sleep. It was yet another night when sleep refused to grace me with its presence, but that was nothing new. I decided that I didn’t want to toss and turn any longer. Instead, I would go onto the terrace of the eastern wing, away from everyone. Maybe some fresh air would help me with my confusing thoughts.

I tiptoed through the hallway, not daring to turn around and see whether Adrian was following me. Not knowing for sure meant I could hope that he would be there, as he should have been. I quickly reached the small, secluded terrace.

I had forgotten how lovely it was. It was bathed in the enchanting glow of moonlight, almost as if it did not belong to this world. I stood there, with my eyes closed, feeling the chilly night breeze on my cheeks. It was easy to get lost in the labyrinth of my own thoughts. The weight of my obligations and the longing for a different life pressed upon me, leaving an ache deep within my soul. It was in that moment, amidst the hushed whispers of the night, that I felt an undeniable urge to share my burden with Adrian.

“Adrian…” I called out his name softly. His name felt almost like a prayer. “Please, come out.”

One second passed, and nothing happened. Another passed, and then another. Maybe he really wasn’t there?

At that moment, he emerged from the shadows, and immediately, that flutter in my chest awakened. He approached me with cautious tenderness, strangely mindful of the stillness that surrounded us both. There was something different about him, the way he looked at me, without saying anything.

“I didn’t want to disturb you,” he said. “It seemed to me like you wanted a solitary moment.”

I smiled. “It seems that solitary moments are hard to come by in this castle.”It was a wistful smile.

“Just a little more,” he continued. “And you’ll be living a different life. A married life. You won’t be in this castle anymore, and I guess that will solve everything.”

“That will solve nothing,” I was quick to shake my head at this. I inhaled deeply, feeling that this was the night for confessions. “You know, I thought my life would be different. I imagined freedom and adventure, a life where I could choose my own path. But instead, I find myself bound by responsibilities and expectations that are suffocating my dreams.”