Page 29 of Vampire Protection

She laughed again, with much more glee than before. “It’s worse than you think.”

“Oh, crap!”

My comment made us both laugh loudly, as the room echoed with the sound. Maybe she was right. At that moment, I didn’t care. All I cared about was enjoying the present moment with my sister. As for the future, I would cross that bridge when I got to it.

Chapter Sixteen


“What is it you require of me?” I asked, the next time I found myself in the king’s study. It was still early in the evening, but most of the castle had already retired to their rooms, which was why I was surprised when he called for me at this hour.

His stern expression only seemed to tighten, his voice ringing with concern. “I have contacts in a nearby village, a small community of vampires who have been loyal allies to our kingdom. I believe they may have knowledge that might shed some light on what has been going on around here. It would be best to seek their guidance.”

“You wish me to go to them?” I needed clarification.

“Yes,” he nodded simply.

“But what about Lilith?” I wondered.

The king walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, which served two purposes. It conveyed not only the trust he placed in me, but also the weight of my responsibility towards not only him and Lilith, but also his kingdom.

“Adrian, you have become an integral part of our plans. Your unique capabilities and perspective have been of great value to us. While I do not like the fact of sending you away, I fear there is no one whose presence in that village would not raise suspicion, if caught or seen by other vampires who might also be present there. It has to be you.”

He walked back to his desk and extracted a small envelope from the drawer. There, right in the middle, the red wax carried his royal seal.

“Take this letter. It will serve as a symbol of our alliance, and it will ensure a warm welcome from our vampire allies.Seek their guidance. See what they know. Strengthen us for the challenges that lie ahead. My trust rests upon your shoulders.”

I accepted the letter, folding it and then, concealing it in my pocket, for safekeeping. It seemed that I was being sent on a new mission, away from Lilith.

“Take one of the horses from the stables,” he continued. “The village is only a two-hour horseback ride, if you head east, in the direction of the mountain. You can’t miss it. There, you will ask for Florian. He is their leader, and a long-time friend of mine. If they know anything, Florian will let you know. But make sure you don’t lose that letter. Without it, you cannot prove your alliance with me.”

The envelope in my pocket felt heavier than anything else I had ever carried. I nodded in agreement. “As you wish, Your Highness. I will go forth and see what they know.”

“I expect you back by the morn,” the king pointed out. “I hope you will have good news to bring back.”

“I will be here,” I confirmed, strangely emboldened by this new mission I’d been given.

About half an hour later, I was already prepared for the journey ahead. I mounted a sturdy looking horse, feeling the rhythmic movement beneath me as we set off towards the village. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying a sense of anticipation and uncertainty.

The journey took me through dense forests and winding paths, as the horse’ hooves thudded against the earth. My thoughts raced far ahead of me. All I could see was Lilith’s smile. I hoped that she would be alright, but the king must have taken care of that already.

The landscape unfolded before me, a patchwork of vibrant colors and hidden mysteries that awaited me at the village. Towering trees loomed on both sides, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. Sunlight dappled the forest floor, whilethe shadows danced around me, beckoning me to join them. There was tension in the air as the path led me to the village.

There, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Eyes followed my every move, curiosity mingled with caution. The villagers all seemed to be minding their own business on the surface, but they moved with an eerie grace, their very movements hinting at their otherworldly nature.

I slowly made my way to the village center, where the buildings were already cloaked in darkness. Only the flickering lamplight cast eerie shadows on the cobblestone streets, which only seemed to heightened my sense of unease.

I didn’t like coming to new places alone, without any backup. Vampire or not, we were a mistrustful sort, and for a good reason. Right there, in the village square, I noticed a shadowy figure lingering, without really doing anything in particular. For a moment, I thought the figure was staring right at me. I knew that approaching him directly would be the right way to go.

I descended from my horse and tied it to a nearby tree. This proved to them that I had no desire to do anything that would require a hasty getaway. At least, I hoped that was the message I left. I walked confidently, still with all those eyes on me. I heard a few whispers, brought on by the wind. I didn’t even bother to try and decipher them. That didn’t matter right now.

As soon as I approached the figure, he lowered his hood. His eyes were of different colors, one was a striking blue, as clear as the summer sky, while the other seemed to be pitch black. I wondered if the blue one was blind.

“I come seeking Florian,” I said with a voice that conveyed urgency and determination. I pushed my apprehension all the way down to my heels.

The vampire regarded me with those piercing eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “What do you seek?” he asked me.

“That is for Florian’s ears alone,” I refused to divulge anything more.