Page 21 of Unlikely Match

He nuzzles my throat. "And now, for the first time ever, I'm going to sneak out of work early because I need to show you something. Okay?"


We get to his car and he hands me the keys, directing me to his place. It feels like a fever dream as I glide through downtownKingsville at the wheel of a Rolls-Royce, with a sexy man eager to please me. Maybe we never really escaped that basement room and I'm in a coma from the lack of oxygen. Maybe I smacked my head on the way into LoveDates Inc.

Or maybe this is no dream, in which case I'm all in.

Sure, maybe it might make more sense to take our time. But I don't need to. This is right. Something clicked deep inside me when Alex proudly called me his girlfriend just now.

He wants me to be part of his life. We're going to figure this out.

We're a match.



Some guys might get huge anxiety about it, but I love watching Jewel drive my car. She's so precise with every movement. So careful.

When we get to the condo elevator, I hand her a keycard. "This will take you straight up to our unit and open the doors automatically."

She throws me a wide-eyed look, then holds the card against the panel. When we step out into our entranceway, I grab her hand and rush upstairs to open a door.

"You said you needed natural light and more space." She gasps at the corner spare bedroom, again with floor to ceiling windows. "All of the windows here are specially treated so that no one can see in." I'm not sure if she's even listening as Jewel steps slowly into the space, tiptoeing as if the white oak flooring was on fire.

"I thought we could get you a giant art table and put it right by the window. A couch and an easy chair. A coffee table so you can curl up with a cup of tea and sketch. Maybe a computer desk?"

"This is…" Her fingertips flutter up to cover her mouth. "A lot better than that art co-op."

I stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her stomach and lowering my chin to rest on her shoulder. "You can take all the time you want to decide, of course. You might not want to move in right away. Some days it might be easier if you stay at your brother's house, if they need you to babysit late. But you're welcome here whenever you want. We can order all of the furniture tomorrow."

"I can't believe this."

My lips drag along the side of her throat. "Believe it. You're actually doing me a huge favor. This place has been too quiet. I need your energy around me."

Her beautiful blue eyes stare up at me as she turns, her fingers curling around my collar. "You can't actually be asking me to move in with you."

"I am. But it's very fast, so I'll understand if you want to sort of move in just halfway to start."

Her palm glides along my jawline. "And you're sure that your clients won't give you a funny look if they see us together?"

"Who cares? Not me."

Jewel slowly undoes my tie, then rolls it up and tucks it into my pocket.

"I haven't forgotten that I owe you a pair of panties."

Her head falls back as she laughs. "Honestly, maybe I could help at client events. Make people realize how creative you are. How you always see solutions to everything."

"Well, we do have an event Friday night, if you'd like to join me."

Her lovely smile tilts in a strange new way. "Maybe it's good that my birthday is on Thursday, then. I can have a glass of wine at your event."

My arms wrap around her again, spinning her in a circle in the empty room. "Really? That's perfect – an excuse to spoil you to bits."

"No way, mister."

As I set Jewel on her feet, she taps my shoulder sternly. "Seriously. I appreciate the use of this room, andmayyybea table. That's plenty."