Page 14 of Unlikely Match

"Perfect. I could take you to a nice restaurant, or we can go back to my place."

Her lips part slightly as she blinks at me.

"The kitchen is nice and wholesome for photos of us making a snack, is what I was thinking."

Jewel squeezes my hand. "Actually, the wholesome angle is an awesome idea. Is there a late night market on the way?"

"Sure is."

As I drive to my downtown condo, periodically reaching out to squeeze the knee of my beautiful girl, I have a word with myself.

I want her, plain and simple. but I don't know if Jewel just wants me physically for fun, or for the contest. Could she possibly be starting to realize that we belong together?

I don't care about the contest anymore. I did it to try something different, and it's worked out perfectly. My entire life has unexpectedly changed for the better, with a rare, precious Jewel about to find her setting at the center of my world.

Will it increase our odds of staying together forever if we sleep together tonight? Or would it be too much too soon, and am I going to have to stifle my need to touch her as much as possible? If I can't control myself when we're in a somewhat public place, how the hell am I going to keep a lid on things when we're alone at my condo?

And how am I going to tell her that the contest means nothing to me anymore, and I just want to win her?



This contest is becoming less and less important to me every time Alex looks into my eyes. I keep posting photos, of course – the view from his car window, and the fruit and cheese we pick up at the twenty-four hour market – but it's hard to keep myself from launching myself at him.

I've never wanted anyone like this, and don't think I can stop, or want to stop, the avalanche of desire that's been unleashed. Then again, Alex really wanted to win. I'm pretty sure I know exactly how to make that happen.

As he leads me into the foyer and we slip off our shoes, I murmur, "You know, if we implied that I might be staying the night, people would follow more closely."

The shopping bag hits the floor a nanosecond before I'm lifted in the air, Alex pinning me against the wall between a marble table that matches the floor of the foyer and a grand staircase. His lips devour my throat, my neck, just under my ear, then finally his mouth meets mine in a deep, rough kiss. I melt, arms and legs wrapping around him like a vine as my breath becomes labored and ragged.

Then he sets me back on my feet, picking up the bag as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn't just stolen my breath, made the back of my knees tingle, and made me terribly aware that my panties are still in his pocket.

"See, my shining Jewel, if you don't keep me focussed on this contest, if I forget for one second that we have a job to do, I don't know if I'll be able to control myself."

"Maybe I don't want you to," I whisper.

He chuckles as I follow him through the condo, looking around. It's breathtaking. Stylish and modern, and just a bit over the top.

"You have a two-story apartment!" I gasp, looking up at the balcony above the hallway that also overlooks the dining room.

"Yes. I thought it was kind of different."

"And it's only you living in this huge space?"

Alex is already pulling out bowls, a platter, and a cutting board. He shoots me a look that sends pure fire up my spine. "For now, yes."

I don't know whether he's merely hinting that he really does want me to stay the night, or that maybe he bought this enormous place hoping that he wouldn't be alone for long.

Because honestly, this is a huge amount of space for one guy. Who has a two-story condo? It's like New York or London glam right here in Kingsville. I don't like thinking about money, and I can't spot thousand-dollar shoes like that Marcus guy, but Alex is clearly loaded.

It doesn't matter in the slightest. It just points out yet another way in which we're incredibly different. He's well established, and I'm…not.

We laugh and chat and take photos while slicing up strawberries and apples, cubing cheese and fanning out fancy crackers. After I photograph and caption our late night feast,Alex pulls a loveseat right up to the floor-to-ceiling glass window in the living room.

We're quiet for a bit as we eat. Then I take another shot of our feet stretched out toward the glass, touching each other with the lights of Kingsville spread out before us. "What should I caption this one?" I ask.

Alex slips an arm around me, giving me a squeeze. "Anything you like, sweetheart. If you really want to win, go ahead and imply that you're staying over. People will love it."