Page 77 of Can't Fake Twins

“I do think so,” I said. “Think I could have at least half a dozen kids with you.”

Katie grinned so widely it must have hurt her face, and I kissed her smiling mouth.

“I’ll do anything, as long as I get to be with you,” I told her, feeling free and open, no longer afraid, and Katie hugged me tightly.

I thought maybe I’d say more that we’d talk some more, but she was snoozing against my chest in no time. I chuckled and moved her hair back from her face.

I’d let her sleep and wake her up for more lovemaking. After all, we had all the time in the world.

Chapter 30



The spring day was beautiful, but I couldn’t help missing the views of the bay out on the yacht. Our honeymoon was two months ago, but I missed it every day. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle with the kids.

I was happy to be back with them, though, Adam with the girls in a jogging stroller while I pushed Colin on the swing.

He giggled. “Faster, Mom! Faster! I want to loop the loop!”

“I bet you do!” I teased, knowing that I would never push him hard enough to loop all the way over. Colin’s butt was already lifting up out of the seat when he got to the peak, and Adam was looking over at us with a hawk’s eye from the road.

I hadn’t expected Adam to be so vigilant when it came to the kids, but I guess something about having new babies around made him worry about the kids getting hurt.

“I’m gonna jump!” Colin shouted, and Adam shook his head fiercely at him.

“No jumping, Colin!” Adam yelled back, and I laughed at him.

“He’ll be okay if he jumps, it’s all sand,” I yelled back, and Adam sighed, shrugging and letting me and Colin get our way. He almost always did.

I pushed Colin once more and he jumped out of the swing, skidding onto the sand and laughing uproariously.

Adam jogged over toward us.

“Did you get hurt?”

“I’m fine, Dad, don’t be a party pooper!” Colin said, giggling all over again.

His father sighed and picked him up, putting him on his shoulders. Colin put his hands in his father’s hair as Adam pushed the stroller toward me.

The girls were fast asleep, and thank God, because they hadn’t been sleeping through the night lately and we were both exhausted.

I took the stroller from Adam and he leaned down and kissed the top of my head as we headed back toward the house.

When we got back home, it was time for Colin’s bath, so Adam took him upstairs while I stayed downstairs with the girls.

“You two could use a bath, too,” I told them, wrinkling my nose at Peyton’s stinky diaper. I changed them and bathed them both in the kitchen sink in their little tubs. Piper loved a bath, but Peyton hated it, so there was always one of them screaming and one of them happy. This time, though, Peyton was too tired from the trip to the park to do more than fuss, so it wasn’t so bad.

As I was dressing the girls in their pajamas, Adam came downstairs.

“God is it bedtime yet?” he groaned, and I laughed.

“You wish,” I said. “It’s barely even dinner time.”

Adam looked tired, bags under his piercing blue eyes. “If we don’t figure out how to get the twins to sleep at the same time, we might die,” he said solemnly.

“That’s a little dramatic, honey,” I said, patting his cheek. “If we try to put them down after their nighttime feeding, maybe that’ll help.”