Page 71 of Can't Fake Twins

“She had quite a bit of bleeding, and the shock to her system made her faint,” the doctor explained. “We’ve got her under control now, but she might be out for a while.”

“Will she be okay?” I asked, choking back tears, still feeling panicked but also relieved.

“Time will tell, but I believe so,” the doctor said quietly. “I have all the best hopes for her recovery.”

“Can I see her?” I asked, and the doctor nodded, leading me back to a small recovery room.

Katie was hooked up to all kinds of monitors, an IV in her arm and a bag of blood hanging to transfuse her. Her face was slack and white and I went to her immediately, smoothing her dark, sweaty hair away from her face.

“Katie,” I croaked out. I didn’t know what I was going to say until I said it. It came out of me and I couldn’t control it. “Katie, you have to be okay. I love you. I love you so much.”

I couldn’t stop saying it, repeating it, over and over. I’d never loved anyone but Katie Martin, and I loved her with my heart and soul. She’d taken my son under her wing, given birth to my daughters, and even before that, I was madly in love with her. I thought I might have been in love with her since the first moment I saw her at that Christmas party.

Katie’s eyes fluttered open. “Wh-what did you just say?”

I gasped, kneeling next to her and taking her hand in mine, squeezing it tightly. “I said I love you,” I repeated, not afraid anymore. I needed her to know how I felt.

Katie smiled. “It only took me almost bleeding to death to hear you say it,” she cracked, and I laughed and sobbed at the same time, kissing all over her face.

But Katie’s eyes drifted shut again, and I realized how tired she must be after giving birth and losing so much blood. I looked at the nurse who was checking her vitals.

“She’s going to be okay,” the nurse said before I could even ask the question, and I smiled.

I wanted to go and see my girls next.

I went to the nursery and looked in on them. My first sweet girl was bigger, chubby in the face and swaddled in a blanket, quietly sleeping. My second girl, my fighter, was waving her fists in the air and fussing as if she was telling someone off, her little face scrunched up and red. She was smaller than her sister, probably weighing several ounces less, but she was already a little spitfire.

My heart swelled in my chest, and I couldn’t believe that I had these two beautiful girls and that Katie was going to be okay. I had been excited about the girls from day one, but I never knew it would feel like this. I never knew my heart could feel so full. Inever knew I could feel this complete, and Katie was the reason for all of it.

I wanted to hold the girls desperately, but I didn’t want to hold them before Katie did, so I forced myself to walk back down the hall to Katie’s room.

“Where are my babies?” Katie asked immediately, trying to sit up and then yelping in pain.

“They’re in the nursery, baby, take it easy,” I said, going to her and sitting next to her in the chair beside the bed. I took her hand. “They’re so beautiful. The first born is so sweet, and the second born, she’s a little firecracker,” I chuckled, smiling warmly at her.

“We have to name them,” she mumbled, and her brown eyes looked glassy. I realized that between the exhaustion and the pain medication they’d likely given her, she was a little out of it, and I chuckled.

“We’ve got plenty of time for that.”

“What about Aphrodite and Xena?” she said, her words slurred around the edges, and I blinked at her.

“Uh, I think maybe we should talk about names once the meds wear off,” I joked.

Katie drifted back to sleep almost immediately, and I could tell it would be a few hours before I would get to see her and the girls again. Somehow, even though I’d just met them, I missed them almost unbearably.

I was so happy that everyone was safe and healthy, and it felt as if life couldn’t get any better.

Chapter 28


Igot to hold my babies a few hours after the C-section, Adam placing them both into my arms, staying close because I was still weak.

I looked down at my two girls, identical but with one smaller than the other, and burst into tears immediately. “They’re really okay? Ten fingers and ten toes?” I asked.

“They’re perfect,” Adam assured me. “Beautiful, just like their mother.”

Adam took them from me when my arms started to shake, and he sat down next to me, holding one girl in each arm.