Page 52 of Can't Fake Twins

I pouted. “You’re leaving?”

“I’m afraid so. I’ve got some work to take care of.”

“Okay,” I finally said, even though I was disappointed that he wouldn’t be spending the night again. “Of course you get a kiss for this wonderful day.”

He kissed me soft and sweet, just barely slipping his tongue into my mouth, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back harder.

Adam groaned and laughed at the same time as he moved away from me.

“I really do have to go,” he sighed. “I wish I didn’t.”

“I wish you didn’t, too,” I said with another pout, and he thumbed my bottom lip.

“See you soon, Katie,” he said softly as he kissed me once more after walking me to my door, and I watched as he went back to his car and drove away.

I watched him until he was out of sight, sighing and heading inside.

I had to call Addie. It appeared Adam Lanphier was turning out to be a real revelation.

Chapter 21


Six Weeks Later

Istill felt strange, even after over a month, having my own driver. His name was Kurt and he was a sweet, older man.

Adam was weird about hiring a driver, said that he had to be over fifty. He could be so protective sometimes. I actually found it cute, though.

I was on my way to visit Colin since Adam was out of town. Colin and I had spent a lot of time together in the past six weeks. Adam thought it was really important that Colin and I get to know each other since I was having his siblings soon enough.

Adam had even left me a credit card while he was on his business trip, saying that I might need it for something for myself or the twins. I hadn’t used it much, just a few times for some late-night cravings I had.

I couldn’t believe how things were going compared to how I had felt just a couple of months ago. We were together but we were taking it slow.

We still had plenty of amazing sex, that didn’t change, but Adam was acting like my boyfriend, like we were actually in a relationship. He took me out often, wining and dining me. Well, not so much wine, since I was pregnant, but definitely dining.We went to amusement parks with Colin, the aquarium, the zoo, and played mini golf a couple of times.

I loved all the time I spent with Adam and Colin, and I felt particularly well taken care of having my own driver, Kurt, and Adam’s platinum credit card. I asked him once how much the limit was, and he just laughed.

I never imagined I’d be dating someone with a limitless credit card, and I couldn’t believe that I was also having his babies. It was still surreal, even as I began to show just a bit, needing to let out some of my jeans. I guess I’d need to switch to maternity clothes sooner rather than later, but I didn’t want to do that until I absolutely had to.

As much as Adam said he didn’t want to be in a relationship, it certainly felt like one, even if it had undeclared emotions and confessions. I knew that he cared about me and hoped that he was as in love with me as I was with him, even though he’d never said it.

I was the one that didn’t want us moving in together, and so he went home every night, although sometimes I would stay over at his place. He’d gotten past his fear of overnights, and he cuddled me the entire time that we shared a bed, whether it was his house or mine.

Sometimes, I thought that maybe I was testing him too much, but Adam kept going, kept proving to me that he would be there, and he was passing all my tests with flying colors.

For now.

As we pulled up to Adam’s mansion, Kurt put in the code.

“I’ll be back to get you as soon as you call, Miss Martin,” he said, and I smiled at him. “Thank you, Kurt,” I said, sliding a fifty-dollar bill into his hand.

Adam had also left me a stack of cash, for tips, and I used it generously to tip the sweet older driver and other service workers.

I’d had waited tables in high school, and that experience always made me want to tip well.

When I walked into Adam’s foyer, Alice met me at the door.