Page 39 of Can't Fake Twins

I knew I had to call Katie, tell her that I was sorry, that maybe we could work things out. I still couldn’t imagine being in an actual relationship with her or anyone, but maybe we could work out some kind of compromise.

I looked at her contact info in my phone for a long moment, biting my lip, before calling her.

Katie picked up on the third ring, but she didn’t speak. I could hear her breathing.

“Katie,” I started, a rush of breath coming out of my mouth. “Katie, I made a mistake. I need to talk to you.”

“Adam,” she whispered, and then burst into tears.

“Katie, what’s wrong?” I asked, concerned, my heart seizing up in my chest. “I’m coming over. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

I made sure Colin was asleep then knocked on Alice’s bedroom door.

“I have to go,” I told her breathlessly.

She raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask questions. “I’ll keep an ear out for Colin,” she promised, and I thanked her and jogged downstairs, neglecting to get a coat and grabbing my keys.

I got into the car and thunder boomed overhead. I cursed. Of course it was going to rain when I forgot my jacket and umbrella, but it didn’t matter. I had to get to Katie. She seemed upset, hurt even, and it might be my fault. I needed to tell her that I was sorry.

I made it to her house in ten minutes instead of fifteen, the rain beating down on my head and shoulders as I knocked on the front door of her townhome.

Katie stepped outside, right into the rain, covering her stomach with her hands. I looked at her, confused.

“Adam,” she whispered, and I could barely hear her over the pouring rain. “Adam, I’m pregnant.”

The rain was beating down on my head and I didn’t realize I was soaked to the bone until she said something because I couldn’t comprehend what she’d just told me.

“You must be freezing,” she said hoarsely. “Come inside.”

“Katie, repeat that,” I demanded, and Katie swallowed, tugging me inside.

“I’m pregnant,” she said again. “It’s yours.”

It’s mine? She’s pregnant? What the fuck was I going to do?

Chapter 17


“Are you sure it’s mine?” Adam blurted out, his hair plastered to his head from the rain. He closed the door behind him, shutting out the sound of thunder, closing off the flashes of lightning.

Anger boiled in me at his question. Of course he would ask that. He wanted a way out of it, that much was clear.

“Of course I’m sure it’s yours,” I snapped. “It’s not like I was planning on trapping you, it just happened. We didn’t use any protection, you know.”

“I thought you were on birth control!” His voice raised.

“I was! It doesn’t always work, Adam,” I said flatly, not liking how he was talking to me. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him. I knew that he didn’t do relationships, so a pregnancy was probably the last thing he wanted. “Besides, you certainly didn’t stop to put on a condom.”

“You’re right,” he mumbled, running a hand through his dripping hair. “I’m sorry.”

“You should be,” I shot back, fighting back angry tears. “If I didn’t think it was yours, I wouldn’t have even told you about it.”

“I know, Katie. I’m sorry,” he said again. “You’re... you’re sure?”

“Yes. I went to the doctor,” I said, exasperated. Did he really think I was the type of woman to try and trap a man just because he was rich?

“I understand,” he said blankly, sounding shell-shocked.