Page 35 of Can't Fake Twins

“Please don’t say it,” I pleaded.

“Okay, okay. I won’t jinx it. But call and make an appointment. For today, if you can.”

I sighed and hung up, calling my gynecologist. I was sure she wouldn’t be able to get me in the same day. And besides, wasn’t Addie being a little crazy? There was no way I was.... God, I couldn’t even think it. If I was, it would be Adam’s, and I just...

Nope. I wasn’t going to even think it. It couldn’t be possible. There was no way. I was just sick with a bug or something. Or those oysters were bad and Addie just had an iron stomach.

“Hello, I need to make an appointment,” I said, and when I gave the receptionist my name, she told me she could get me in at two, which was just in an hour.

I looked at my watch. “Okay, I think I can do that,” I said reluctantly.

It was going to be a waste of a visit. I was just sick, that was all.

I called Addie to let her know I was able to get into my doctor and she showed up with ginger ale and crackers.

I smiled at her. “Thanks, Addie.”

“You’re welcome. When my sister was...” she paused, and I glared at her, but she continued on, avoiding the obvious. “Anyway, ginger ale and crackers was the only thing she could keep down.”

I nibbled on the crackers and sipped the ginger ale, feeling slightly less nauseous.

“My appointment is less than an hour,” I told her. Addie bolted up from the couch.

“Shit! Okay, let’s go then! We don’t want to be late.”

She all but dragged me into her car and buckled me in like I was a kid.

I stared at her as she started the car.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m just... anxious. I’m sure you are, too.”

“You think?” I asked incredulously. “But you’re freaking out for no reason. I’m definitely not... you know.”

“Word that can’t be said,” she agreed. “I’m sure you’re fine, but we’ve got to know one way or the other. You are definitely experiencing all the symptoms.”

I swallowed hard. I guess she was right. I’d always wanted children, but not like this. I wanted to be in a stable, loving relationship by the time I had kids, and there was no way that’s what I had with Adam. Hell, Adam didn’t even like me enough to be in a real relationship with me, so how would things turn out if I ended up being the unsaid word?

It didn’t matter, though, because Iwasn’t.

We waited an excruciating half an hour before they called me back.

The gynecologist, Dr. Christine, as she liked to be called, smiled at me as she entered the room.

“Are you here for a checkup?” she asked.

“Not exactly,” I hedged.

Addie had come back with me, and she cleared her throat, nudging me.

I sighed. “I’ve been feeling ill, and I’m not sure when I had my period last.”

“I told you that you should start keeping up with those,” Dr. Christine scolded.

“I know, I know. Can I just... can you check?”

She nodded. “Let’s do a quick exam first, make sure there’s nothing else going on.”

Dr. Christine did the exam while Addie waited outside.