Page 11 of Can't Fake Twins

“So what happened with that hot guy you were talking to last night?” Addie asked.

“Well, I sort of didn’t tell you the whole truth last night when you asked me if I knew him. He and I had actually met once before, at a Christmas party, and he kind of hit on me. Oh, and by the way, he just happens to be Toby’s brother.”

Addie’s eyes grew as big as saucers. “Whoa. Are you serious? How did I not know about this? Why didn’t you tell me? And for the love of God what else happened last night?”

“He bought me a drink,” I said slowly. Addie glared at me.

“You know I want the real gossip, Katie, come on!” she groaned.

I giggled, finding it funny that she was so interested. “So he wants me to go on a date with him.” I paused for dramatic effect. “To Toby’s wedding.”

Addie’s eyes nearly bulged out of her skull. “Wait, what?” she shrieked..

“Toby’s getting married, to Rachel,” I said, spitting out the name like it was poison in my mouth.

“Oh my God.” Addie took my hand. “I’m so sorry, Katie.”

I felt her pity and I hated it. I squeezed her hand, though. I knew she only meant well. “It sucks, but Adam wants to take me as his date to get revenge on Toby.”

“Surely you’re not going to do it?” Addie asked curiously, tilting her head. I shrugged, biting my lip and looking away.

“I told him I would go,” I said softly.

Addie was quiet for a long moment and then she grinned. “I’m so proud of you Katie. This is something I would have never imagined you would do, but I like it.”

I laughed. “You don’t think it’s too much?”

“No, I think it’s perfect. Toby deserves every moment of pain you can give him,” she said firmly. She’d always disliked Toby, and it had turned to hatred when she found out he cheated on me and I caught him in the act. “Rachel, too.”

I nodded. “And not to mention, Adam’s paying me to pretend we’re in a serious relationship.”

“He’spayingyou? This gets better and better all the time,” Addie said with a smile. “I love this for you. And Adam’s no slouch, he’s super-hot.”

“He is,” I admitted, my cheeks flushing. “The way he just kind of commanded me to go over to him last night was a big turn-on.”

Addie looked at me curiously again. “Do you think you’ll end up getting attached?” she asked.

I snorted. “No way. All the things Toby told me about him, if they’re true, Adam’s even worse than he is.”

“No way,” Addie said. “That’s simply not possible.”

“I don’t know,” I said hesitantly. “Toby was pretty serious about it.”

Addie snorted. “Toby is a liar and a cheat. Maybe you shouldn’t believe everything he told you.”

“Nevertheless, I’m not going to get involved with another Lanphier,” I said firmly.

Addie grinned slyly. “I don’t know, it might not be so bad sleeping with a hot rich guy.”

“I guess it has been a while,” I mused, and I couldn’t believe I was actually considering it. I pushed aside the thoughts of how heated his gaze had been, how he looked at me the night before, how that look had made me feel. “But I don’t want to get hurt again. He’s my ex’s brother. He’s the so-called evil brother. Besides, I’m not ready for a relationship after everything that happened with Toby.”

Addie shrugged, chugging down her mimosa. We talked for a few more minutes about a guy she had met the night before and the creepy guys who tried to dance with her, and then she looked at her watch with widened eyes.

“I’ve got to get home,” she said suddenly. “I’ve got lesson plans due on Monday.”

I nodded. “Me too. I’ve been putting it off because I’m a little hungover.”

Addie grabbed my mimosa and chugged it. “Hair of the dog,” she said. I laughed as I hugged her goodbye.