Page 32 of Can't Fake Twins

“Then what is it like, Adam? Please, enlighten me.”

Maybe I shouldn’t have put pressure on him. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him that we needed to label it. He was right, wasn’t he? We were just having fun. My anger cooled and I suddenly felt guilty, thinking I wanted to backtrack, but Adam still looked at me coldly.

“It was just a bit of fun, Katie,” he said, not unkindly. “That’s all it ever is.”

“It doesn’t have to be like that,” I responded in a near-whisper, the tears winning and pooling in my eyes. “We don’t have to label things.”

“I just think it’s for the best if we let this go,” Adam said. As soon as the words were out of his mouth I grabbed my purse from his bedroom, stormed past him, and headed down the stairs as fast as I could.

Even if Adam had some kind of hold on me, even if I had feelings for him, there was no way I was going to let a Lanphier run all over me again.

Absolutely not.

Once downstairs I ran to the entryway and opened the door. Colin was standing there with a big smile on his face.

“Katie!” he said, throwing his arms around my legs. “I didn’t know you were coming over to play.”

“She actually has to go, Colin,” Adam said awkwardly from behind me and I shot him a look while Colin was still hugging me.

“I can stay for a little while and play,” I said coldly, and Colin led me past his father and up to his room.

I looked around at the décor. “You really like trains, don’t you?”

“One day I’m gonna be a ‘ductor,’” he said happily, showing me his steampunk train.

“Wow,” I said, finding it adorable the way he attempted to pronounce “conductor.” Colin was just as cute as his father was a jerk.

“Do they really work?”

“You bet!” He got down on the floor and gently took the train from me, setting it up on the track and turning it on. “It even has real smoke!”

Colin’s enthusiasm was infectious, and I ended up spending an hour in his room, playing trains and train robbers.

After Colin defeated me once again when I had the superhero on the train tracks, I laughed and stood up.

“I’ve really got to go, kiddo.”

Colin pouted. “Do you have to rightnow?”

I smiled. “Yeah, right now.”

“Will you come back and play with me?”

I heard Adam clear his throat and I turned to look at him coldly.

“I guess that’s up to your dad,” I said, and hugged Colin goodbye.

"The car's waiting for you outside," Adam said.

I walked past Adam, holding my head up, feigning the dignity I did not feel. I managed to get outside and into the back of the car before I burst into tears.

When I got home, I went straight to my bedroom and laid face down on the bed, continuing to cry my heart out. I had barely been able to see on the way home.

I didn’t know why I was so upset. After all, we’d only hooked up twice. Sure, the sex was amazing. Sure, Adam was hot and rich and everything I thought I wanted.

But even if he wasn’t technically the evil brother, that didn’t make him good. He clearly had some hangups about relationships and commitment.

I didn’t know if I believed in love at first sight but is that what I felt with Adam?