Page 61 of Love Linked

Get it together.

He chuckled. While a little embarrassed it was at my expense, I felt relief that the resigned look he'd had on his face all morning finally eased.

The pilot came on the intercom. "Good morning. We'll be taking off shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for departure."

I gulped. "Already?"

"It's a lot faster when you don't have to wait for throngs of people struggling to get their oversized carry-on into the overhead compartment,” he pointed out.

I settled into the seat next to the window and fumbled with the seatbelt before getting it latched.

"Are you scared of flying?" Nathan asked as the plane began moving. "You seem a little jumpier than usual."

That would have a lot more to do with the fact that your knee is two inches from being pressed into mine.

"Nope," I chirped. "I haven’t done it in a while, but it's never bothered me." I glanced outside and then back at him. "I still could have done without your little statistical fact, though."

He winced. "Sorry. Sometimes I speak without thinking."

"Something we have in common."

I looked out the window as we made our way onto the runway. I snuck my phone out of my bag and tried to discreetly record a video.

"What are you doing?" Nathan asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Just looking." I turned back to him. He raised his eyebrows. "Fine. I'm taking a video to show Lila."

He gestured for me to continue. "By all means, don't let me stop you."

"You probably think I'm being ridiculous."

"Not at all. I can understand the appeal of flying private for the first time."

"When was your first time?" I asked.

He chuckled and my cheeks went crimson as I realized the double implication of my question.

"First time flying private," I clarified.

He nodded, still wearing a smile. "Right after Ben and I started Pulse. We had investors trying to wine and dine us all across the country."

"So this is old news to you."

He shrugged. "It's nice to see it through fresh eyes. Sometimes my perspective can be a little stale."

“Well, let me assure you this is the pinnacle of luxury. You should have seen the flight to London I took after college. I was crammed into a middle seat on a fully booked flight. The reclining function on my chair didn’t even work.”

“Are you a big traveler?”

“Other than a quick backpacking trip through part of Europe, not really.”

The plane's wheels left the ground and the force pushed me back into my seat. My hands gripped the armrest. I sucked in a breath.

"You sure you’re okay?" Nathan asked.

I brushed off his concern. "I’m fine.”

"If you're scared, you can hold my hand." His smirk was wicked.