Page 23 of Love Linked

“I told my sister that was the last time I’d ever be watching her dumb dog again.” Liam’s chest puffed out a little, likely pleased he had me laughing so hard that wine almost shot out my nose.

It felt good to laugh like this. I hadn’t wanted to come to this stupid happy hour, but now it felt amazing to talk about something other than work or my business. And, okay, flirting with Liam was an added bonus.

Ever since I had broken up with Brian, I had been itching to meet someone. I wanted the fairytale ending. The person by my side to celebrate my accomplishments. Someone to travel the world with and to do everyday tasks like grocery shopping. But meeting guys in this city had proved impossible. I’d even tried our own dating app and failed miserably at finding a keeper. Most men had just moved here to hike and ski—a committedgirlfriend was the last thing on their mind. I didn’t want to waste my precious free time on dates that weren’t going anywhere, so I had all but given up. But I couldn’t deny my loneliness, and Liam was looking better by the second.

“So, is it safe to say you’re not an animal lover?” I threw out the test question, hoping he would prove me wrong.

He shrugged. “Dogs are fine when they aren’t actively disobeying me for fun. I’m mostly a cat person, though.”

My lips tugged into a smile. “Good answer,” I said, not hiding my approval.

“You have one?”

“Yes,” I said, pulling out my phone to show off my wallpaper of Edward curled up on the couch.

“He’s huge!” Liam exclaimed, grabbing my phone to get a better look.

“Twenty pounds of pure fluffball.”

“I have to meet him.” I noticed a little twinkle in Liam’s eye at the suggestion, and I fought back the smirk that tried to take hold of my face.

“That can be arranged.”

Just then, Adam from accounting came up and tugged on Liam’s sleeve. “Tequila shots. Now.” He pulled him away as Liam locked eyes with me and mouthed, “Help me.”

I giggled and shook my head as Adam dragged him to the bar.

“You two looked cozy,” Lila whispered, as she scurried to my side. “What were you talking about?”

“Cats,” I said.

Her face fell. “Wow. How romantic.”

I laughed at her crestfallen look. Lila would always be a hopeless romantic, and I knew she dreamed of the day we both had partners and became a little foursome. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that likely wouldn’t be anytime soon.

“Hey, it kind of was. He said he wants to meet Edward.”

Her face perked up at that. “Really? That sounds flirty.”

“I think it was.” I could feel the blush creeping across my cheeks as I checked out Liam at the bar. With my new thoughts of leaving the company soon, he had started to seem a whole lot more like a viable option.

“Oh no, speaking of flirting, look who’s got their claws into Nathan already.”

I tore my gaze away from Liam and looked to where she gestured with her glass. Hannah leaned heavily into Nathan while he was practically bending over backward to get away from her.

“Poor guy,” Lila said.

“I’m sure he’ll live.”

“Don’t be so heartless. He’s clearly uncomfortable.”

I eyed them again. “He just seems a little socially inept.”

“Exactly why you should save him.”

“Me?” I glared down at her, mouth agape. “Why me?”

“Because you know him better than me.”