Page 92 of Love Linked

“Of course.” She threw on her brightest smile and grabbed my arm. “Let’s stop talking about this and enjoy the market.”

“Haven’t we seen everything?” I asked.

She looked at me with mock horror. “Not even close. And I haven’t even bought my annual ornament yet.”

“We can’t miss out on that,” I said drily.

She laughed. “It’s like you don’t like the holidays or something.”

“I don’t.”

Now she looked at me with real horror. “How can you not love the holidays? It’s the happiest time of the year. Delicious baked goods. Cheerful music. Time away from work and more time with family.”

“Well, most of those things have never appealed to me all that much.” A thought overtook me. “Are you going home for the holidays?” I asked.

She forced a half smile. “Not this year. Flights are so expensive, and my mom has to work anyway. Lila and I are going to do dinner and a movie marathon.”

Relief hit me that she wouldn’t be far.

“What about you?” she asked. “Are you and Oliver going home?”

I sighed. “Oliver and I still aren’t speaking so we’ve yet to come up with a plan. I bought a ticket for our mother to come out here a while back, but we haven’t planned anything beyond that.”

“And your dad?”

I shrugged. “He likes the holidays about as much as I do. I’m sure he’ll call and send his best.”

“Ouch.” She smiled at me sympathetically. “That’s got to hurt a little.”

“Not at all,” I assured her before blowing out a breath. “Look, I’m not sure if this is too soon, but if you’re around and want to stop by…maybe you could come to a family dinner when my mom is in town.”

A devilish grin took over her face. “Nathan, are you inviting me to meet your mom?”

I snagged her around the waist. “I’m inviting you so I don’t have to feel suffocated being stuck alone with my mother and Oliver.”

She whistled and pretended to look unsure. “I don’t know. Seems kind of serious to me.”

The cold air had painted Charlie’s cheeks a rosy shade of pink. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and kiss her until her face flushed for other reasons entirely. This was all new to me, but any idiot could see I was falling—fast.

“Speaking of serious,” I said, broaching the subject with care. “I need to find a new place to live. Would you be willing to help me?”

She laughed. “Why would you need my help? You’ve seen my apartment. I doubt I can comprehend your standards.”

I leaned in and kissed her. “Your apartment, like you, is perfect. Come with me. I don’t want to pick someplace you don’t like. I’m kind of hoping you’ll be there a lot.”

Her mouth hung open at my admission. Before she could answer, the sound of my name forced me to drop my hands from her waist and take a hurried step back.


Hannah, the bubbly blonde from marketing, stood less than ten feet away. Had she seen us? I evaluated how damning our position looked as she approached. I didn’t chance a look at Charlie.

“Fancy running into you here,” she said. Her smile faltered as she noticed Charlie next to me. “Oh, Charlie too. I didn’t even see you there. Are you two here together?”

“We ran into each other,” I said quickly.

“Right,” Charlie added.

“How funny,” she said. I couldn’t tell if she bought it or not, but I had no choice but to continue the facade. “I’m here buying some gifts. Good to get a head start on these things.”