Page 75 of Love Linked

“You know, it’s smaller than I’d expect. You all are kind of right on top of each other.”

She nodded. “Right? They pack us in here like cattle.”

“It’s not that bad,” I mumbled.

“Easy for you to say from your private office,” Oliver said, smirking at me.

Lila turned the corner. She looked up and made eye contact with me. She didn’t bother hiding her scowl. She had made her disdain for me known this week. I wasn’t sure what Charlie had told her, but it was killing me. Had I done something wrong that I hadn’t realized? Was it bad? While I doubted it considering the sounds Charlie was making in the moment, I couldn’t write anything off at this point.

Lila’s glare morphed into excitement when she spotted Oliver. “Ollie!” she exclaimed, giving him a hug. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“You too.” He smiled down at her. “I was hoping karaoke nights were going to become a regular thing between us.”

“Me too.” She frowned before shooting a dagger in my direction.

How was this my fault?

“I know Harrison misses you. He talks about you all the time.” Oliver winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure talking to me was the most excitement that grouch has seen in years.”

Oliver and Charlie both laughed as I stood there uncomfortably. Despite the recent closeness between Charlie and me, and the fact that Oliver and I were literally related by blood, I felt like a total outsider. As they continued to catch up, my discomfort grew. I tried to catch Charlie’s eye, but she avoided me every time.

“Why don’t I buy you a coffee,” I said, interrupting some story Oliver was in the middle of telling.

“Um, sure bro.” He must have sensed my distress because typically it would be impossible to tear him away from a story.

“It was nice seeing you both,” he nodded to Lila and Charlie. They both smiled and waved their goodbyes.

I pressed the button for the elevator, stepping on as soon as the doors opened.

“What was that about?” Oliver asked when the doors closed.

“What was what about?”

“That weirdness with Charlie and Lila.” He cocked his head back in the direction we had just come from. “I thought you were all friendly with each other.”

I hesitated, not wanting to reveal anything but also knowing I was a shit liar. “Nothing happened,” I said. “We’re just coworkers.”

He rolled his eyes at my pathetic excuse. “Coworkers—especially ones that have gone out together—typically actfriendlier than that. Lila was shooting daggers at you, and Charlie wouldn’t even make eye contact.”

I shrugged and stepped off the elevator. I tried to stay a few steps in front of Oliver, but he caught up quickly.

“You didn’t sleep with her or something did you?” he asked in a teasing tone.

I looked over at him before tearing my gaze away and shifting it to the pavement below.

“Nathan, tell me you didn’t.” His tone had changed now, almost as if he was scolding me.

“It’s none of your business.”

“So what? I’m your brother. Tell me something personal about yourself for once in your goddamn life.”

The harsh edge to his tone caused me to look over at him. The anger in his eyes barely masked the hurt. My apathetic attitude must have gotten on his last nerve.

“It’s not like you tell me anything personal either,” I mumbled, stepping into the coffee shop. I didn’t bother holding the door for Oliver.

“That’s bull and you know it. I constantly ask you to hang out. I bring you to my place of work. I show you my interests.” He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m really trying here.”