Page 59 of Love Linked

“It’s only for one night. And you get to ride in a private jet,” Ben added.

She looked between the two of us. Ben’s face hopeful and mine stoic.

“How can I say no to that,” she said, still looking unsure.

“Fantastic,” Ben said, rising from his chair. “I’ll inform the board and make your travel arrangements.”

After he left, Charlie continued walking me through the outlier. I should have been laser-focused on this. Yet, with her continued explanation, all I could think about was her proximity as she leaned across my desk. Although we were inches apart, I could feel the energy radiating between us.

How the fuck was I supposed to be alone with her for an entire twenty-four hours?

Chapter Eighteen


“A private freaking jet?”Lila exclaimed. “Are you kidding me?”

“You’re glossing over the part where I have to be alone with Nathan for an entire night,” I groaned.

“It’ll be fine,” Lila said before turning her attention to two women that entered the bar. “Hi there, are you here for trivia?”

They nodded and we took down their information. Our impromptu trivia night all those weeks earlier had inspired us to add it to the roster of our many events for ConnectHer.

“How will it be fine? Ever since he came to that pottery class I can hardly look at him in the office anymore. I swear, anytime I have a meeting with him I’m stumbling over my words and thinking what it would be like if he pressed me up against the wall.”

Lila smirked. “Damn Char, dirty much? A forbidden office romance? I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I don’t,” I insisted. “And he has made it abundantly clear there isn’t any interest on his part. My raging hormones just haven’t got the memo.”

Lila pursed her lips. “Youdoneed to get laid.”

“Lila,” I hissed, smacking her with the trivia cards in my hand.

“It’s true. I can’t even remember the last time you went on a date.”

“Excuse me for being a little busy working a demanding job and starting a business.”

“Hey, I’m in the same boat as you, and I just went on date number three with that baseball guy I was telling you about.”

“Number three?” I asked. “I didn’t realize it was going so well.”

“It’s not.” She sighed crinkling her nose. “There will be no date number four. I caught him giving the waitress his number.”

“Ouch. The bar for men is seriously on the ground at this point.”

“I think it’s buried.”

“Six feet deep at least.”

We laughed and greeted another group of women who walked into the bar.

“I don’t know,” Lila continued once they took their seats. “This whole Nathan thing is kind of strange. I’m still hung up on why he would come with you to that pottery class at all. It makes no sense.”

“Trust me, I know. I’ve been thinking about it basically nonstop.” I twirled my hair around my finger. “And we had such a good conversation too. Even seeing Brian would have normally rattled me, but knowing Nathan was there I felt completely at ease.”

Lila chuckled. “I wish I could have seen the look on that twerp’s face when he saw you two together.”

“It was a little satisfying.” I smiled at the memory. “Especially when he told him he thought ConnectHer would be a huge success.”