Page 43 of Love Linked

“We can’t,” I choked out in a hoarse voice.

Charlie’s eyes went wide, and she smacked her hand over her mouth.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.”

“No, it’s okay—”

“I’m so sorry,” she said, springing from the barstool.

“Charlie—” I tried to catch up to her to let her know everything was alright between us. I couldn’t let things get weird—I just couldn’t.

She spun around right as she reached the door. “No, please don’t say anything.” She held up her hands. “I’m a little tipsy. I got carried away. I’m so sorry. Please let’s never talk about this again.”

Taking in her panic, my jaw tightened but I nodded.

“Thanks for the food. I’ll see you at work.” With that, she spun around and ran outside faster than I could object. I stood there, blinking for a few moments, trying to process all that had happened.

Pushing her away had been necessary. We couldn’t be involved. It was the right thing to do. Never before had I beenso unable to separate logic from want. I could compartmentalize everything. This should be no different.

But as my brain rationalized our interaction, my body felt tense and hot all at once. I clenched and unclenched my hand a few times. My legs itched to follow her, but I forced my feet to remain planted.

Chapter Fourteen


“My head feelslike it’s going to explode.”

I lifted my forehead from my hands to take in Lila’s disheveled appearance. She still wore her sunglasses with her hair tied up in a low messy bun.

She leaned against my desk and groaned. “Why did you let me stay out so late?”

“You insisted,” I muttered, my own head still pounding. Both from the hangover and my brain berating me for my actions with Nathan last night. I couldn’t sleep because all I could do was replay that moment over and over again.

“Well, you should try harder next time. No amount of karaoke is worth this feeling.”

“You got home okay?”

“Ugh, Harrison took me in a cab because he said he didn’t trust me not to stumble into a wall or something. That guy is an ass.”

“You were bickering all night,” I said, still staring at my blank computer screen. My brain screamed at me to tell Lila of my misjudgment, but the signal hadn’t yet reached my mouth. If I didn’t say it out loud, it was almost like it never happened.

But it did. Oh, it did.

“You and Nathan seemed to be getting along alright. So much for him not liking you. I think you’re his favorite now.”

“I kissed him,” I whispered, finally looking up at her.

Her mouth fell open. “What?” she hissed. “When? Where? How?”

“Shhhh.” I glanced around to make sure no one could overhear us. It was still early, though, and most people hadn’t come in yet. “We went back to Oliver’s place where he’s staying. We got to talking, and I was tipsy, and…I don’t know! Apparently, my judgment went out the window with that last shot of tequila.”

Her shocked face transformed into a devilish grin. “How was it?”


“No way. No one who looks like that can be a bad kisser. That would be a crime against humanity.”

“I don’t know what kind of kisser he is because he didn’t kiss me back.”