Page 41 of Love Linked

“Everyone else does,” I muttered, thinking of all the times my mother said she wished I could be warmer like Oliver.That’s why you have no friends,she’d say.

Charlie sat back and shook her head. “He might be more outgoing—vibrant if you will—but you’re unique. You aren’t cold, you’re observant. Sitting back and watching the rest of us while there is this entire calculation going on inside your head. You know what you want and you aren’t afraid to go after it. You’re meticulous.”

“Most people would say I’m infuriatingly particular, and they’d call me a nightmare.”

“Well, they’re wrong. I’m jealous of you.”

“Jealous ofme.” I looked at her, unable to hide my surprise. “There’s nothing to be jealous of.”

“Please, I wish I had that self-assurance. You should never apologize for it.”

“I don’t,” I said simply, flipping the sandwiches onto the plate. It amazed me how she managed to read me in a way others didn’t. She detected all the same characteristics as the rest of the world yet managed to find the positiveness in it all. “And don’t sell yourself short. I see your confidence at work. You have no issue speaking your mind.”

“I wish it translated to the rest of my life,” she muttered.

Before I could ask her what she meant by that, her stomach rumbled so loud the neighbors likely heard it. Her face went pink and she looked adorably embarrassed.

“Here,” I said, handing her a plate.

Her shoulders sagged in relief as she snatched it from me. “Oh my god. This looks amazing.”

“It’s only a grilled cheese.” I circled the island to sit next to her.

“It’s heaven,” she said through a large mouthful.

I chuckled at the euphoric look on her face as she chewed.

“My mom always said to marry a guy who can cook.”

I nearly choked on the bite I had just taken as I tried to clear my throat.

“Shit.” Her eyebrows shot up and her cheeks reddened. “I didn’t mean anything by that. I was just pointing out that it’s a good life skill to have. Makes you a marketable partner.”

“A marketable partner,” I repeated. “That sounds like the tagline for a bad dating service.”

“Well, we would know, right?” She smirked, elbowing me in the ribs.

We devoured the rest of the sandwiches in silence. She pushed her plate away and eyed me. “Have you ever online dated?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Even though you have the most popular online dating app in the world?”

“I don’t come off well online.”

“As opposed to your charming in-person self?” Her smile widened as she teased me. Why did I find her jabs adorable instead of infuriating?

“What about you?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Oh, I’ve tried alright. Tried and failed. The pickings out there are slim, Nathan.”

She sounded like an eighty-year-old jaded woman instead of this vibrant twenty-something with her whole life ahead of her.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“And I’m sureyou’llbe fine.” She poked me in the chest.

“Who says I want to meet anyone?” I challenged.