Page 37 of Love Linked

“Your brother has a lot of energy,” Charlie observed.

Lila tipped her head back and laughed. “You can say that again.”

“This isn’t even the half of it.” For once, I didn’t feel self-conscious about everything that Oliver had that I lacked. I found myself getting sucked into his energy like everyone else and appreciating how fun and vibrant he could make any atmosphere.

Whether she meant to or not, Charlie leaned closer to me at the table. “You guys really are different.” Her tone told me her statement was nothing other than an observation. She wasn’t comparing us or making a pro-con list pitting us against each other. Not like my parents used to do. Well, not literally, but when the two would argue over which of our accomplishments meant more, it sure felt like it.

No, Charlie wasn’t comparing us. She was just curious. Almost as if any insight into Oliver could also give her more information about my dynamic.

“I told you,” I said, feeling hot under her gaze.

She pressed her chin into her palm and tilted her head as she studied my expression. I liked the way she looked at me. Like I was something worth trying to figure out. This surpassed the usual superficial glances and obligatory exchanges I had grown accustomed to.

Oliver returned with another tray—this time full of margaritas—and a pad of paper for trivia.

“This much tequila on a Sunday?” Charlie asked. “Are you trying to kill me?”

“It was buy one get one,” he said, feigning innocence.

“I, for one, am happy to let loose for once,” Lila said. “When was the last time we even went out? Live a little.”

Charlie glanced back at me with raised eyebrows as if searching for an ally. I laughed and grabbed a glass.

“Live a little, Charlie,” I repeated.

Maybe it was my imagination but I swear I saw a blush creep across her face. I liked the idea that I could affect her like that. In this setting it was far too easy to forget we worked together.

“You’re going to get me in trouble,” she whispered as Lila and Oliver discussed what our trivia name should be.

“I could say the same for you,” I responded, not even calculating if my words could be construed as inappropriate.

She smiled and nudged my shoulder with her own. A possessive spark lit within my chest at the simple gesture.

“Who knew Nathan Shaw liked to party on Sunday nights.”

I chuckled. “Certainly not me.”

“Okay,” Oliver said, causing me to tear my gaze away from Charlie. “We’re the Brain Teasers.”

“That’s the best you could come up with?” Charlie asked, echoing my own thoughts.

“Hey.” Lila looked offended. “I didn’t hear you two chiming in with any suggestions.”

“Because I thought you could do better than that.” Charlie laughed, and I found her energy contagious.

“No more negativity from you two,” Oliver said, giving us a pointed look.

I raised my hands. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to. I know that look.” A moment of familiarity passed between us, and I felt content to be sitting here with my brother. Why had I been so unwilling to get to know him better?

“This seat taken?” I looked up to see Harrison’s large form already sliding into the seat between Oliver and me.

“You made it!” Oliver exclaimed. “Lila, Charlie, this is my best friend in the entire world and roommate, Harrison. Harrison, this is Lila and Charlie.”

“Hey,” they both said.

Harrison snickered. “Someone is already a few drinks in if I’m getting that kind of sappy introduction.”