Page 32 of Love Linked

“You’re here with thirty friends?” Nathan asked, lifting an eyebrow.

“Uh-huh.” I’d be damned if he’d get anything out of me.

“Are those our sweatshirts?” My last two attendees traipsed to the end of the trail and looked at me expectantly.

“Oh, yes.” I flashed them a bright smile despite my palms sweating due to my current audience. “Here you go. We’re about to head to the brewery. Do you have the details?”

I snuck a glance at Nathan who watched me with curiosity.

“We know the way,” the other said, taking her sweatshirt from my outstretched hand.

“Great, I’ll see you there.”

They nodded and made their way to the cars.

“Your friends all like to wear matching sweatshirts?” Nathan smirked at me, and I found it difficult to concentrate whenever he gave me his full attention.


Oliver glanced between the two of us. “Did I hear the word brewery?” he asked.

“We’re all driving back into town and meeting up at BeerHaven.”

“That’s right by my house.” Oliver turned, smacking Nathan in the chest. “We should join your friend.”

“We’re not friends,” Nathan pointed out all too quickly. For reasons I didn’t quite understand, my chest deflated a little. “And I’m sure Charlie wouldn’t appreciate us crashing her party.”

I folded my arms across my chest. Although he was right—I wasn’t sure I wanted them to tag along—something about his reluctant tone made me want to accept Oliver’s proposal.

“No, join us,” I said. “It’s just going to be one beer and some snacks.”

Oliver’s smile widened, and he nodded enthusiastically. The stark contrast between Nathan and his brother was evident. Nathan exuded an air of seriousness and rigidity, while Oliver seemed to possess a much more laid-back, cheerful outlook on life.

“We’ll drop the car off and meet you there,” Oliver said.

“Maybe,” Nathan added, looking displeased before moving past me.

“Oh, come on, lighten up. It’ll be fun,” I said, smiling sweetly.

I really was pushing the professional boundary with him, but I couldn’t help it. His tense persona was too much fun to prod and poke fun at.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced from me to Oliver. “Okay, then. We’ll be there.”

They walked to the opposite end of the parking lot as I rejoined Lila. Most of the group had already piled into their cars and were on their way.

“Who were those guys?” she whispered as if they could hear.

“Nathan,” I hissed.

“Nathan Shaw? From work?”

I nodded. “He was here with his brother.”

Lila perked up at that news. “A brother, huh? Was he cute?”

“Lila!” I scolded. “That is so not the point.”

She shrugged. “If Nathan looks like that, there’s no way his brother isn’t decent-looking.”