Pushing up from my chair, I grab my phone and keys, and head out of my room, “Hudson. Let’s go.”

He pokes his head out of his room door, confused.

“I’m going out, bro.”

“Yeah, with me. Let's move. We have a certain pet to check in on.”

Hudson smirks, the corner of his lip raising, he follows me out of the house and into the Rover, rubbing his hands together. “Banksy, our little girl has been naughty?”

I chuckle at Hud. “Yeah, she fucking has.”

We listen to music the entire drive to her place. Pulling up, we can see her front room light is on. Where else would she be?

Getting out of my car we head up to her front door. I turn the knob, the odds are low it will be unlocked. She’s a single female in a college town after all.

Hudson gets right in there, banging on her door with his closed fist. I’m shocked he isn’t shouting and at the same time, grateful. We don’t need any added attention.

I cover the peephole with my finger when I hear her approaching the door. The locks click and she opens the door slightly, leaving the chain lock on and exposing part of her face. “Really?” Is all she says, and rolls her eyes at us.

Nope, not happening. Hudson must have the same thought. It takes no effort at all once he wraps his hand around the door, forcing it open. The chain breaks off the wall and we walk in, closing the door behind us.

Her cute nose crinkles in frustration. Banks is wearing thin sleep shorts and an oversized tee and her long dark hair is up in a ponytail. Perfect for gripping.

“You fuck us again, or are you just being a complete bitch?” I ask through clenched teeth, getting right in her face.

She pushes me back, and I stumble slightly, not expecting it.

“What are you even talking about? Why are you here?”

I step toward her, closing any distance between us. “No text,” is all I need to say.

Banks’ face changes from frustration to confusion. “I did, you psychopath.”

Keeping eye contact with her, I shout to my brother, “Check your phone, you get anything?”

“Nah, man. Not a word from our old pal Banksy.”

I raise my eyebrows at her, waiting for her excuse.

“I did. I’ll show you!” She shouts at us, offended we would even question her this time. Walking around me to her couch, she grabs her phone and scrolls, then almost instantly her face drops. “I forgot to hit send. You guys, I forgot to hit send!”

“Naughty, naughty Banksy,” my brother tsks.

“I did everything on Monday. From last semester and this one. I made sure no one saw me and it went down without any issues.” She pleads with us as she explains.

My back is still facing her as I roll my eyes, stupid Banks. “You kept us waiting all fucking week, just to tell us you forgot to hit send? Didn’t you think it was weird we didn’t reply?”

“Not really. You two are hot and cold toward me. I just assumed it was a cold moment,” her voice has gone all cutesy. She is sassing.

Turning around, I grab her, tossing her over my shoulder, “Get the lights Hud. She won’t be back for a while.”

Hudson is laughing at me as I hear him flick the switches.

“No! You cannot do this to me again. I did what you said. It’s done!” Banks screams while punching my back, which has no effect on me. We head out, Hud closing and locking up behind me.

She continues her assault on me as we head to the Rover. I throw her in the back seat, then click the child locks on before closing the door. Heading to the otherside, I do the same thing. She’s not going anywhere.

Getting in the car, Hudson looks back at her as we pull away and teases. “Don’t try anything. You know how much we like to punish you, Banksy.” Which only enrages her further. Looking in the rearview mirror, I can see her fists clenching and nostrils flare.