“Of course, man, always. Now lets shit, shower and shave boys and hit up Graves to celebrate.”

“Don’t party too hard tonight. You need to be back here, 9am tomorrow!” Coach announces then leaves the room.

Drug test.



Tonight we are hitting up the off campus bar called Graves. This place is a fucking dive with old wooden stools lining the bar, a burgundy fabric covers the tops and inside of the booths against the walls. Tables have mismatched chairs around them as decent music plays.

The lighting is dim, with Groveton sports paraphernalia displayed proudly everywhere. This shit goes back decades. There are signed jerseys from players who made it big decorating the walls. This place is known for its mediocre cheap beer, perfect for college students, disgusting to the likes of my brother and me. With the drug test tomorrow, we had to stay away from the frats, too easy to snort a line of coke or take a hit off a joint, then we’d get burnt on the drug test. I’m sure some guys pay for clean piss. I have in the past, but since Venom was introduced there has been no need for it. If I really need to escape before a test, that’s my go to, undetectable. The Noxious Boys really knew what they were doing making that shit. But some guys on the team are too easily tempted, so tonight, we celebrate at Graves.

Our team claims the booths against the wall. Me and a couple guys volunteer to get glasses and pitchers. A few of the bunnies followed us here, sitting at the tables just off to the side, looking desperate for a fuck. As I wait for the bartender to fill my order I watch them, they are pointing to a few fourth line guys, probably discussing who they are going to try to fuck tonight. They know most of us won’t touch them with a ten-foot pole, nevermind our cocks.

A hand on my shoulder startles me, turning my head it’s a tiny blonde thing, looking up at my stone cold face with doe eyes. “Sorry, I was trying to squeeze in so I could order a drink,” she says innocently. I believe her. My eyebrows lift, acknowledging her as I turn my body so she can fit in.

“Thank you,” she bites her lip. She isn’t done, fucking great. “I’m Courtney.”

Rolling my eyes, “I don’t care what your name is.” Her face scowls at my response.

“Hey man, here’s your pitcher. On the house, congrats on the win tonight,” the bartender says. I nod in gratitude and leave ‘Courtney’ alone.

The place is filling up. Word has gotten out the team is celebrating here, and loads of students are starting to stumble in from the rink.

I didn’t see Banks after the game. Sometimes she will come in after a win, this time she didn’t. We both saw her cheering from the stands. That girl has done something to my head.

The moment we scored, I celebrated with my brothers, my team. Then I had to see her. She was just as excited as we were over the goal. Hudson did the same. She’s caught us both, just like we caught her.

Approaching my booth, I place the beer and glasses down, the boys cheer and start pouring. Sliding in next to Raiden, he elbows me, leaning down, “Something on your mind?” The guycan be a dick. He’s an absolute beast of a player, but he is great at reading people. It’s what makes him a great hockey player.

Shaking my head, “No man, I spaced out for a minute, I guess. I’m good.” He nods, accepting my response and doesn’t push me. He knows I’m bullshitting, but respects that I don’t want to talk about it.

Hudson lifts his glass, “Alright boys, listen up,” all the booths filled with our guys stop and focus on Hud, the bar goes quiet as others watch and listen.

“Adams…Lynx. We couldn’t be happier to have you back and you showed us tonight how much you are meant to be here, with us, on this team, playing the sport we fucking love. You didn’t fuck up and we are still on our way to the playoffs, baby! To Lynx, for scoring in his first game back and for not fucking up!” Lifting up our glasses, we all cheer at my brother's speech. He has a way with words.

Adams is embarrassed by the attention, but the guy played hard tonight, he deserves this.

A few hours pass into the night, it’s well past one in the morning, and a few guys have left already while the rest of us are still here drinking.

My mind wanders back to Banks, she better be sleeping. Looking around the bar, I see the blonde is still here at a table with a few other chicks I have never seen. My eyes go to the table full of bunnies next. One was lucky enough and snagged a guy, the others look miserable. They know who’s left isn't interested.

I don’t know how Hudson does it. He’s fucked a couple random chicks since Banks, coming home smelling and looking like sex. How is he doing it? So easily forgetting what happened in the basement and my room.

Standing up from the booth, I walk over to the blonde, and tilt my head toward the ladies room. She gets up to follow me.

Walking into the bathroom, I kick open the three stall doors to make sure no one else is in here. Once the blonde is in I lock the main door behind her.

“Turn around, pull your pants down, and hold onto the sink. This is going to be hard and fast.” She nods and does what I said.

I follow suit, taking my cock out and wrapping it with a condom, lining it up with her soaked entrance, I slam myself into her. Blondie moans, it echoes on the tile walls as I continue to pound into her cunt. My dick is barely hard as I watch her in the mirror. Closing my eyes, I try to picture anything to make this more enjoyable. My brain shows me Banks, in my bed when I took her for the first time. My hips continue to buck against the blonde, she whimpers, “Why are your eyes closed?” Great, her feelings are hurt. Fucking chicks.

I open my eyes again and the image of Banks leaves me, the rush in my cock going with it. This needs to end, fast.

Grabbing onto her hips, I thrust myself viciously into her until I feel her walls clamp around me. She milks my cock as her own orgasm hits, soaking my cock. Her movements slow down, as do mine. My heart is racing as I pant slightly, letting a grunt escape from between my lips. Letting go of her, I pull out, she's dripping from her own release. I tie my condom up and toss it in the trash as I tuck myself back in. She rakes her fingers through her hair, her face is glowing and is decorated with a smile.

“That was fucking amazing.”