We are still an hour away from our dad’s house. It’s late, the sun set a while ago and he is going to be pissed we missed dinner.

We don’t care, but we will hear about it. Words will be had.

As soon as we are done with college, we will be out from under his thumb and finally free.

No longer relying on his finances, we can cut ties and do whatever the fuck we want. Hudson has a bunch of teams wanting him, he will be set. I’ll continue with my art. I have enough money saved in a secret account that my dad doesn’t have access to, so I’ll be fine. We will both be fine and free. I can fucking taste it.

“Bro, have you decided if you’ll go overseas or just sign with a team straight up?” He hasn’t talked about it lately.

“The million dollar question. I don’t know. I just want to sign and play somewhere. I don’t know where, but I know I have to decide soon. Fucking annoying. This one decision determines the rest of my life, yanno?”

He really does seem like he is struggling with it, but I don’t blame him. To decide the rest of your life at twenty-one. Fuckinginsane. Imagine being eighteen and entering the draft. The pressure and expectations have to be unbearably stressful.

“No, I get it. You know I support you whichever way you decide.” I reassure Hud. He is rarely this vulnerable. I don’t want him to regret talking to me about it, so I won’t pursue the conversation any further.

The gatesopen and we make our way up the long driveway lined with tall hedges.

“I still can’t believe you gave her a blanket and pillow. Fucking pussy.” Hud laughs at me. He is watching the cameras again. Guy is addicted to them. So am I. But he doesn’t need to know that.

Being here does more to me than I am willing to admit. This house of horrors was our real life childhood nightmare. Barely anywhere was safe inside these walls. I think it affects me more than Hudson. Scars are deep in both of us. Scars I refuse to acknowledge. If our dad saw how I have hidden them, he would only cause more to be created.

The Rover is parked in front of the door, and we sit in silence.

“Dude, let's go. Old man is itching to tell us off. Let’s not delay it.” He’s right. The longer we wait, the worse it will be.

We get out, and head inside this monstrosity. It is cold and quiet when we enter. The atmosphere is… uneasy. Our shoes creak along the dark hardwood floorboards with every step. The decor is dated, dark green paint lines the walls, with hideous painted family portraits on either side as we walk through thelarge entrance. A grand staircase is off to the side, leading to our bedrooms. But that is not where we are going now.

“Get your fucking asses in here. NOW!” Daddy dearest shouts from his study down the hall. Both Hud and I roll our eyes and mouth ‘fuck’.

The double doors to his study are open, and we walk in side by side, united.

“Do you little shits think it's funny being three hours late for dinner?” Father is leaning against his desk, legs crossed at the ankle, and a glass of whisky in hand. The wood fire is lit, giving off the only bit of light in the room.

We stand before him, not saying anything. He wants a response.

“And you show up looking like slobs. Holes in your jeans, baggy sweaters and sneakers. You know the fucking rules. When you walk in this house you look like a Cooper! Take them off.”

We both remain still.

Father’s face reddens. Nostrils flare. His bushy salt and pepper eyebrows furrow.

He throws his drink in my face. I do not flinch.

From the corner of my eye, I see Hudson’s balled fists. Don’t do it brother, I plead with him in my mind.

“Come on Hudson, hit me, I know you want to.” He taunts my brother.

He picks on me to get to him.

“No sir, I will not hit you,” Hud says through clenched teeth.

Drops of the amber liquid fall off my chin onto my hoodie. I don’t dare wipe it away.

“Take the sweaters off. You will look somewhat respectable in this house. Not wearing this shit, being three hours late. Do you forget who pays for your lives? Do you forget the deal we made when I allowed you both to attend fucking Groveton to chase pucks and color fucking pictures?” he spits at Hudson.