Now it’s time to surprise you, Banks.

I keep my eyes on her when I slide a hand out of my pocket and move it behind my head. She looks back at me inquisitively. Once I feel the brush of hard plastic, I use my index finger to flick it downwards. The room is plunged into darkness immediately.

Blinking my eyes, allowing them to adjust, I can see her silhouette. She hasn’t moved from where she stood in the light.

“Please, don’t leave me down here. Not in the dark,” she begs.


Walking toward her, I keep enough distance so she cannot reach out and grab me. I am in control of this game, not her.

Her heavy breathing fills up the silent space. She is nervous. Good. She should be.

I reach out and grab her chain, pulling her backward. A choking sound comes as I force her to walk backwards. I can only assume she is reaching at her metal collar, trying to create space between her throat and it.

Wrapping the chain around my fist the closer she gets, my hold only tightens further. Banks is in front of me, and I yank on the chain once more, forcing her onto the bed. A yelp leaves her. I remain quiet. Still not giving anything away.

She coughs a few times as I keep my hold on her chain, giving some slack so she’s no longer being choked.

“Why? Why are you doing this?” Her voice is raspy.

Bending over, reaching my other hand out, I grab her face, squeezing her cheeks and chin between my grip.

I move my face closer to hers. When she feels my presence, Banks tries to inch backwards, but I hold her steady in place.

Don’t fight it, little girl, it will only make things worse for you.

Her body begins to shake with fear of the unknown. What will he do next? Worst-case scenarios must be running rampant through her pretty little head.

Lucky for her, none of that will happen to her tonight… yet.

Her scent is pure. Vanilla with a hint of pear. Exquisite. Innocent. Naïve.

My tongue connects with her chin. I slowly move it up her face, tasting the salt from her tears on her cheek. As I reach her forehead, I pull back slightly as she tries to speak. “Please, don’t do this. Please.”

It comes out mumbled as my hand still is squeezing her face. I bring my lips to hers, kissing her quickly and aggressively. Biting at her lip before pushing her head away and letting go. The force causes her head to hit the mattress. I hear rustling next. I can only imagine she is in the fetal position trying to protect herself.

Protect herself from what she thinks is coming next, but it’s not.

Standing up, I turn on my heels and walk back to the stairs. Not looking back at her when I hear more whimpering from behind me.

Taking the stairs two at a time and reaching the top in no time at all, I flick the lights back on with the switch located up here. She is not going back to sleep. Banks will be tortured by her clothes sitting so close yet so far away. She will be tortured not knowing what will come next.

Lifting the mask off my face, I leave it bunched up on my head, opening the door and closing it again behind me as I enter the kitchen. I relatch the lock and make sure it is securely locked.

“Did you have fun with our guest, brother?” Hudson asks from the dark.

“You know I did.”

He chuckles at me, “It looks like she did too.”

Turning around, the glare of his phone shows me he is leaning against the countertop. Then it goes dark. I don’t say anything more, grabbing my phone off the table where I left it, then leaving the kitchen and heading up the stairs to my room.Hudson’s footsteps follow me up. I enter my room and close the door, leaving the sound of his footsteps behind me.

A loud scream echoes through the vents.

I can hear Hudson laughing hysterically.

She is so fucking dramatic. Nothing has even happened to her yet. She screams once more before stopping. Good fucking girl, no use wasting your energy. No one is coming to save you.