“Alright Ms. Katie, show us your goodies,” Barlowe winks, flirting with her. Katie knows better than to fall for his charm.

A baggy of white powder drops onto the table. Christmas has arrived early. Snow has landed.

Cocaine. Barlowe is the first to jump in. Grabbing the baggy and pouring some of the powder onto the coffee table in front of us. While he is doing that, I grab a card out of my wallet and start cutting it. Dividing it up into a bunch of lines for us.

Katie, being a team player, passes Barlowe a rolled up dollar bill first. He places it into one nostril, plugging the other and quickly snorts his line. Sitting back, his feet lift, “Woo. That shit is good!”

Removing the bill from his nose, he shakes his head a few times. It must sting because his eyes water a bit. Passing it to me, I do my own line and, it burns going up my nose and into my brain. Tingles of numbness encompass me. I feel on top of the goddamn world.

The others take their turn. This shit is next level.

“This has got to be more than just snow?” I question Katie.

She nods, “Yeah, I threw in a tiny bit of Venom. Still gives you the same high as cocaine with an added kick.”

And that it does.

“Brother! What do we have here?” Hudson storms into the room, wasting no time. Looking over at him, he clearly just got fucked. His hair is a mess, zipper undone, with a flushed face.

“Don’t know her name. Don’t care about her name. But my dick thanks her pussy for her service.” I sit back, laughing at the guy. Sometimes he is a complete dick about it, others it’s like the best fucking time.

He sits down next to me, and pulls out his phone. I glance over and see what he has on his screen.


It’s been hours since we left her. Banks is tossing and turning, which means she must be coming down from her high. I need to be home to see her face when she wakes up. I need it forever embedded in my mind. The shock, the slight bit of hope of seeing me standing there, then her absolute disappointment when I walk away, leaving her almost naked, chained, and vulnerable. Her cries for me to come back, to help her. Pleading with me to save her. She will give me whatever I want, if I just let her out.

None of it will work.

Warmth spreads through my body from the mixture of drugs and this beautiful picture I’ve painted in my mind.

“Lando, where's Raider?” Barlowe questions.

Motherfucker knows I hate being called that.

I stand up and walk in front of him, grabbing his throat, “Don’t. Call. Me. That.” I say through clenched teeth.

“Wow, bro. Chill out. I was just playing. Sorry man.” His body stays relaxed under my touch, not at all affected by my presence.

Giving him a slight nod and removing my hand from him.

“He said he would stop by if he could. Some shit came up.” They know what I mean. I don’t need to elaborate further. Our guy has a lot of moving parts going on in his life besides school and hockey.

A bunch of giggling and laughter catch my attention by the door where a couple of drunk chicks are stumbling their way into the room, “Uh, hi.” They can barely get that out of their mouths without slurring. Sloppy.

Barlowe looks over at them, “And what can we do for you ladies?”

He has a girlfriend, so he has no interest in humoring them either. She isn’t about the party scene, which I respect and none of us push for her to be. For us, it’s part of the gig.

“Uh, we were hoping… We heard this is where the real party takes place.” says a redhead with her tits basically falling out of her top.

“We invite people in here. Not the other way around. Get the fuck out of here before you regret stepping foot in this room.” Hudson tells them.

The blonde has some serious balls to talk back to him. “Why is she in here then?”

“She was invited. She is always invited. We like her. We don’t like you. So if you were looking to fuck some hockey player, go to the Richardson party. Their team is filled with desperate cocks.” Hudson adds without ever looking over to them.

“You guys are mean.” Red snarks back.