Page 24 of Difficult

“I’m stuck sitting next to this really annoying boy because we have the same last name,” Jessica said with a helpless shrug that had Mathew’s eyes narrowing on his twin sister.

“Okay,” their mother said with a sigh as she shifted her focus on him. “Sebastian?”

“They let Mikey play dodgeball,” Jonathan said, saving him and leaving their mother struggling not to wince as their father muttered, “Jesus Christ.”

“It was the best,” Mikey mumbled sadly as she reached over and stole the meatloaf off Mathew’s plate with the saddest freaking sniffle.

“What’s wrong?” his father asked as he reached over and scooped mashed potatoes onto Mikey’s plate for her.

“I think I’m going to need a tutor,” Mikey said with another sniffle as she stared helplessly down at the iPad in her hands.

“It’s only the first day of school, sweetie. I’m sure you’ll be fine,” his mother said, only to mumble, “Oh, my god,” when Mikey handed her the iPad.

Frowning, Sebastian plucked the iPad out of his mother’s hands, only to frown when he saw what was on the screen. “It’s only Geometry.”

Nodding slowly, Mikey said, “There is something seriously wrong with you.”

“I’ll tutor you,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh. When Mikey only stared at him, he narrowed his eyes on her until, finally, he said, “You could have just said no.”

“I like to save time,” Mikey said, shrugging it off.

“You probably have work-study hours that you can use to tutor her. They offer academic scholarship students at my school the option of work-study hours to earn money by tutoring,” Jonathan explained, gesturing to the iPad. “You should check.”

“See? This works out for both of us,” Mikey said with a satisfied sigh as she gestured for Sebastian to get on with it.

“You really are a pain in my-”



“Done with your homework?” Reese asked, throwing her a curious look as he watched her walk through the back door.

“Had to get a tutor,” Mikey said as she made her way to the kitchen table and began making the rounds, kissing each of her brothers, retrieving plastic spoons thrown onto the floor, refilling sippy cups, and obediently tickling Thomas’s tiny foot when he wiggled his toes in silent demand.

“Sebastian?” her mother asked as Mikey dropped down in her chair as she took in the lovely dinner that her mother made tonight, noting that she’d made all her favorites and-

“God, I’m starving,” Jonathan said, sighing heavily as he dropped down on the chair next to her, only to follow that up with, “What do we have here?” as he reached for the bowl of spaghetti and meatballs.

“Why are you here?” Mikey asked, blinking at the boy who seemed to go out of his way to annoy the hell out of her.

“Ensuring that you don’t have to go through the anguish of missing me,” Jonathan said, grabbing several slices of Italian bread and buttering them before handing a slice to Toby.

“That’s very considerate of you,” her mother murmured as her lips twitched.

“I know,” Jonathan said as he dug into his food.

“Didn’t you just eat?” Mikey couldn’t help but point out.

Blinking, Jonathan said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Nodding, Mikey said, “Alright then,” as she shifted her attention back to her plate and-

“Uncle Garret sent the forms,” her mother said, making everything in her go still.

“Oh, yeah?” Mikey said, clearing her throat as she reached for the meatballs.

“I was thinking that after you sign them that we could make it official with a party,” her mother said as Mikey forced herself to nod.